Happy Birthday @DragonPrincess2000 Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

on December 26, 2014

Thanks for the follow! :D
on October 24, 2014

Bye BIFFLE... :((
on September 19, 2014

To all my followers: Please follow McDazzle2000 if you follow this account, as it is my other account. Oh, and please comment on my stories too!!! Thanks. :D
on June 06, 2014

I HIT 100 ON THIS ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on May 21, 2014
on May 21, 2014

tanks 4 following me :)

btw RandomBlitz is not me it is my friend. she has 3 accounts: girlybird5678, DontJudgeMeByMySocks, and RandomBlitz
on May 21, 2014
on April 14, 2014

If u follow me on this account, be sure to follow McDazzle2000!!! I'm trying to get 2 300 followers on that account and am at 272ish so far.
on April 09, 2014

Thanks for following me! This is McDazzle2000's other account.
on March 28, 2014

This is my other account. :D
on March 25, 2014