SO.. i feel like changing Dia's love life.. any recommendations?

idk.. i may make an oc
on September 24, 2014

@VioletTheCat like who she likes etc
on September 24, 2014
on September 24, 2014

Name: Diamond
Species: hedgehog
Grade: 5
Crush: Silver the hedgehog
Grades: A's and B's
Rank: idk!
Favourite colour: Red and Dark blue See More
Best class: Art
Worst: Math
Species: hedgehog
Grade: 5
Crush: Silver the hedgehog
Grades: A's and B's
Rank: idk!
Favourite colour: Red and Dark blue See More
Best class: Art
Worst: Math
on September 23, 2014

DiamondTheHedgehog added a new chapter to Diamond from scratch

Diamond the hedgehog (different style)
Once again, this story is based on Kameo and Matlen's! hope you enjoy and make sure to check out theirs as well!
Diamond: errrmm... hello
Me: so watcha wanna talk bout
Diamond: how about boys..?
Me: ..? O.o
Diamond: *raises eyebrows* so.. watcha think of shadow?
Me: uummm.. he's alright..
Diamond: Alright? He's hot.. so it Sonic.. i'm having a hard time choosing..
Me: oh my
Diamond: :D ;D
Me: um.. well.. letsa... see what they think of you..
Espio: urfheuhfeuhushfubfshbfe! I HATE ... Read Full Chapter
Diamond: errrmm... hello
Me: so watcha wanna talk bout
Diamond: how about boys..?
Me: ..? O.o
Diamond: *raises eyebrows* so.. watcha think of shadow?
Me: uummm.. he's alright..
Diamond: Alright? He's hot.. so it Sonic.. i'm having a hard time choosing..
Me: oh my
Diamond: :D ;D
Me: um.. well.. letsa... see what they think of you..
Espio: urfheuhfeuhushfubfshbfe! I HATE ... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2014

Can you do Diamond and Silver?
on September 22, 2014

Fan Fiction Boot Camp
Welcome (or not) to fan fiction boot camp! Qfeast is not known for it's fan fics, and we must help with that! I will post prompts, and you must write a fan fiction according to the prompt. If the prompt is not for a fandom you are in, please tell me and I'll give you a different prompt! The top three best stories will be posted after about a week and a half.
on September 21, 2014

on September 21, 2014

Two mobile phones met and fell in love. They got married and the ceremony wasn't great but the reception was excellent!"
on September 21, 2014

on September 21, 2014

CrystalDiamond Competitions
On this page, I will hold a weekly competition. It can be drawing, writing, telling a joke and SO much more! Please subscribe to participate!
on September 20, 2014

YAY! I can go on for 10 minutes!
on September 16, 2014

Picture is ready!

on September 14, 2014
on September 14, 2014

Guys, i know i'm not getting on much, but i just hit 200+ FOLLOWERS!
on September 13, 2014

Hey guys! I'm able to get On today!!
on September 13, 2014

The Bob Worship Page
The title explains it all.. but I still need a description :T :T BOB IS COOL!
on September 12, 2014