
Diamond: i'm dying of boredom.
on September 07, 2014

Camille: Hi.
on September 07, 2014

Diamond: hey Camille!
on September 07, 2014

Camille: *Opens It Using Psychokenisis*
on September 07, 2014

Diamond: *knocks on her door*
on September 07, 2014
on September 07, 2014

on September 07, 2014

on September 07, 2014

pwusheen iz zo cwute!
on September 07, 2014

DiamondTheHedgehog added a new chapter to Code Diamond
Chapter 8 | Jackie the hedgehog
Jackie's P.O.V
I look around the halls as I follow Kameo. She doesn't talk or try to start a conversation, so I'm quickly swept away by memories.. The Legend Army Camp wasn't my only training experience. I was the first jumper. I got 3rd in first ranking and 1st in second ranking.. I forgot to start from the beginning.. Before the Army Camp, I was a dauntless initiate. I was a really good one. Some dauntless borns even invited me to zip line with them from a 100 story building. Remembering th... Read Full Chapter
I look around the halls as I follow Kameo. She doesn't talk or try to start a conversation, so I'm quickly swept away by memories.. The Legend Army Camp wasn't my only training experience. I was the first jumper. I got 3rd in first ranking and 1st in second ranking.. I forgot to start from the beginning.. Before the Army Camp, I was a dauntless initiate. I was a really good one. Some dauntless borns even invited me to zip line with them from a 100 story building. Remembering th... Read Full Chapter
on September 07, 2014

on September 07, 2014

Looking for Sonic OC's for my story!
I'm writing a new Sonic fan-fic, that blends in with Divergent, called Factions United. These are the characters that I have, and are currently vacant
Main characters:
Abnegation dependant -
Amity dependant -
Candor dependant -
Dauntless dependant - Jackie
Erudite dependant -
Faction leaders:
Abnegation/Council Leader (4 of these) -
Amity Representative - Joanne
Candor Representative - Cleyna
Dauntless Leaders (rules are more than 1, but an odd number) -
Erudite Representative - Cerise
Faction initiates:
Abnegation -
Amity -
Candor -
Dauntless -
Erudite -
That's all I have so far. If any more are added, I'll let you guys know!
on September 06, 2014

One day there was a young peasant named Fredury. One day Fredury was walking along the road when he saw a maiden with beautiful golden hair flowing in the wind. He went up to her and said hi. He was terrorized when she turned around... For his thought to be maiden.. Was... A ... Boy -_-

on September 18, 2014
on September 06, 2014


CrystalDiamond Competitions
On this page, I will hold a weekly competition. It can be drawing, writing, telling a joke and SO much more! Please subscribe to participate!
on September 06, 2014

are u done with my critique yet
on September 06, 2014

thanks for the follow back!
on September 06, 2014

So, how's Code Diamond coming? Do you still need help writing the next chapter?

on September 06, 2014
on September 05, 2014

Hey ^_^
on September 05, 2014


on September 05, 2014
on September 04, 2014

If you are reading this message, you have a guaranteed invite to Sonic and Jackie's wedding. A date cannot be concluded yet, but you still have time to prepare your dress. The dress theme has been decided to be "Dazzled by Divergents", meaning you can choose at least 1 faction to dress as.
Abnegation: Grey
Amity: Bright red and yellow
Candor: Black and white
Dauntless: Black main, but can add dark red accessories if you wish
Erudite: Blue
Abnegation: Grey
Amity: Bright red and yellow
Candor: Black and white
Dauntless: Black main, but can add dark red accessories if you wish
Erudite: Blue
on September 02, 2014

DiamondTheHedgehog added a new chapter to Diamond from scratch

Diamond the fox
Once again, this story is based on Kameo and Matlen's! hope you enjoy and make sure to check out theirs as well!
me: hello!
diamond: why hello there
me: so. tell the crowd a bit about yourself.
diamond: do i have too.. *hides behind me*
me: -_- come on.. don't be shy.
diamond: meh!
me: seriously!? there's a big.. crowd reading this!
diamond: b-big crowd!?
me: come on!
diamond: NO!!
me: don't be shy! take a deep breath.
diamond: *sighs* ok..
me: alright, now, lets go.
diamond: *walks to stage... Read Full Chapter
me: hello!
diamond: why hello there
me: so. tell the crowd a bit about yourself.
diamond: do i have too.. *hides behind me*
me: -_- come on.. don't be shy.
diamond: meh!
me: seriously!? there's a big.. crowd reading this!
diamond: b-big crowd!?
me: come on!
diamond: NO!!
me: don't be shy! take a deep breath.
diamond: *sighs* ok..
me: alright, now, lets go.
diamond: *walks to stage... Read Full Chapter
on September 01, 2014