Dei_Dei added a new chapter to Wolves Of The Ravine (abandoned)
Chapter 16
The soft voice called again, it wasn't Dremre - but it couldn't have been anyone else. Ferone flicked his eyes, trying to summon strength in his numb paws.
"Ferone, please." The newcomer's voice was edged with desperation. Ferone checked his surroundings - but saw nothing except an endless wall of black.
"What do you want?" Ferone yelped.
But as soon as Ferone had finished speaking, light flooded the emptiness - crashing over Ferone, the last thing he heard was a high pitched wh... Read Full Chapter
The soft voice called again, it wasn't Dremre - but it couldn't have been anyone else. Ferone flicked his eyes, trying to summon strength in his numb paws.
"Ferone, please." The newcomer's voice was edged with desperation. Ferone checked his surroundings - but saw nothing except an endless wall of black.
"What do you want?" Ferone yelped.
But as soon as Ferone had finished speaking, light flooded the emptiness - crashing over Ferone, the last thing he heard was a high pitched wh... Read Full Chapter
on April 22, 2016

on April 23, 2016

Dei_Dei added a new chapter to Wolves Of The Ravine (abandoned)
Chapter 15
Apprehension. That was what Ferone felt as he walked up to his own alpha, even with the presence of Rift - he still felt fear.
"Ferone, I'll take the cobwebs to Oryan." Rift informed him, Ferone blinked - he felt slightly betrayed, but he knew that Rift was only completing the task she originally accompanied him for.
"O-okay." Ferone barked briskly, forcing back a whine. Rift cast him a reassuring glance, which only helped calm Ferone a little.
He could feel Alpha's gaze boring into him as... Read Full Chapter
"Ferone, I'll take the cobwebs to Oryan." Rift informed him, Ferone blinked - he felt slightly betrayed, but he knew that Rift was only completing the task she originally accompanied him for.
"O-okay." Ferone barked briskly, forcing back a whine. Rift cast him a reassuring glance, which only helped calm Ferone a little.
He could feel Alpha's gaze boring into him as... Read Full Chapter
on April 16, 2016

If potatoes are green does that make humanity green?
on April 18, 2016

I checked Qfeast this morning and I had 59 notifications
on April 17, 2016

Today I learned that the reason why food packets are always half empty was because because they filled it with nitrogen (because oxygen damages the food), and also because if they crammed packets, the contents would turn into crumbs when shifted around in trucks.
But that's not a justifiable reason for why my Tiny Teddy's packet has only 6 teddies
But that's not a justifiable reason for why my Tiny Teddy's packet has only 6 teddies
on April 16, 2016

Dei_Dei asked a question
What makes a page set as a profile page? I've read the guidelines but I can't seem to f...
on April 16, 2016