1. WRITE something that you like - a Subject, a Category (for example: names of books, cartoons, art, music and so on)*;
2. You and your friends or other users on qfeast have to VOTE the subject that Like best..with "OK" - hand up;
3. The WINNER with more than Five "OK" will have a QUIZ!!! made by me - Dedeea.
* you can write what you like best, just remember that will be voted
Let's begin the fun!
Warning: this is a contest that will be rewarded with a quiz..the See More best quiz Dedeea can do!
1. WRITE something that you like - a Subject, a Category (for example: names of books, cartoons, art, music and so on)*;
2. You and your friends or other users on qfeast have to VOTE the subject that Like best..with "OK" - hand up;
3. The WINNER with more than Five "OK" will have a QUIZ!!! made by me - Dedeea.
* you can write what you like best, just remember that will be voted
Let's begin the fun!
Warning: this is a contest that will be rewarded with a quiz..the See More best quiz Dedeea can do!
on April 07, 2012

on April 05, 2012

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
Emily Bronte :)
Emily Bronte :)
on April 02, 2012

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.”
― John Lennon
― John Lennon
on April 01, 2012

My newest quiz is World Continents - General Knowledge !!!
on April 01, 2012

If you don't like the music I like leave this page ;) You need to like only the quizzes I create. Have a nice day!

the music I put on my wall ;) and please stop commenting on the links I send to other people, it is annoying. you're the only person to comment and not in a positively way. thank you for understanding. uhh!
on March 31, 2012
on March 30, 2012

on March 30, 2012

A score quiz or a personality quiz will be next? what do you think?

on March 28, 2012
on March 27, 2012

on March 25, 2012

It's time for a scored quiz.. what categoy should I pick?
on March 18, 2012

I'm happy, happy, happy!

me too too too! I'm VERY happy, happy, happy! I'm getting a phone! I'm also sad, sad, sad though...I'm going to the eye doctor soon and I might get glasses since I can't see far away....words, I cant read words far away. :P :)
on April 28, 2012
on March 11, 2012

Give me your laughter as a gift,
Teach me to dream
With just a caress
I lose myself in this sea
Give me your star,
the one that lights up this night
full of peace and harmony, See More
and I will hand my life to you.
You make my sky
Have that blue again,
Spots of colors,
My mornings only you.
I sail among the waves of your voice,
and you, and you, and you, and only you
make my soul awaken with your light <3
Teach me to dream
With just a caress
I lose myself in this sea
Give me your star,
the one that lights up this night
full of peace and harmony, See More
and I will hand my life to you.
You make my sky
Have that blue again,
Spots of colors,
My mornings only you.
I sail among the waves of your voice,
and you, and you, and you, and only you
make my soul awaken with your light <3
on March 11, 2012

Daruieste-mi zambetul tau.
Invata-ma sa visez.
C-o singura mangaiere
ma pierd in mare.
Daruieste-mi steaua ta,
care lumineaza noaptea aceasta,
plina de liniste si armonie, See More
si-ti voi darui viata mea.
Faci ca cerul meu
Sa aiba culoare albastra.
Pictezi in culori
diminetile, numai tu .
Navigez intre valurile vocii tale.
Si tu, si tu, si tu si numai tu
Faci ca sufletul meu sa se trezeasca cu lumina ta.
Tu, si tu, si tu.
Te iubesc R<3!
Invata-ma sa visez.
C-o singura mangaiere
ma pierd in mare.
Daruieste-mi steaua ta,
care lumineaza noaptea aceasta,
plina de liniste si armonie, See More
si-ti voi darui viata mea.
Faci ca cerul meu
Sa aiba culoare albastra.
Pictezi in culori
diminetile, numai tu .
Navigez intre valurile vocii tale.
Si tu, si tu, si tu si numai tu
Faci ca sufletul meu sa se trezeasca cu lumina ta.
Tu, si tu, si tu.
Te iubesc R<3!
on March 11, 2012