on January 19, 2016

on January 19, 2016

Person: Do you have Instagram?
Me: No.
Person: Do you have Facebook?
Me: No.
Person: Do you have Snapchat?
Me: No.
Person: What do you have?!??! See More
Me: Qfeast
Person: I don't even know what that is!! Only that?! WHAT IN THE WORLD BRO! That's stupid!
Me: *grabs a chainsaw* You have 5 secondto run
Re.postif you know and love Qfeast better than anything listed, whether you have these social media's or not
Me: No.
Person: Do you have Facebook?
Me: No.
Person: Do you have Snapchat?
Me: No.
Person: What do you have?!??! See More
Me: Qfeast
Person: I don't even know what that is!! Only that?! WHAT IN THE WORLD BRO! That's stupid!
Me: *grabs a chainsaw* You have 5 secondto run
Re.postif you know and love Qfeast better than anything listed, whether you have these social media's or not
on January 19, 2016

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
Tweet Welcome to the incredible world of Shamchat, where you can be anything at all! Just choose whatever character you'd like to assume, and get ready for a thrillingly improbable conversation with another person in character. Your character: Are you ready? By using this site you accept the User Agreement. Contact us.
on January 19, 2016

Hello there. ^^

Grell: *pulls dagger out, freeing himself.*
Aria: *tilts head to the side curiously.*
Aria: *tilts head to the side curiously.*
on January 19, 2016

Grell: Hmm, last time we fought, you were almost dead by then.
Aria: Time's change, people change, sir. *kicks him back, then throws dagger and caught his sleeve, pinning him against a tree.*
Aria: Time's change, people change, sir. *kicks him back, then throws dagger and caught his sleeve, pinning him against a tree.*
on January 19, 2016

Aria: *calm, blocking.*
Grell: *almost cuts at her shoulder, but then gets a cut across his cheek.*
Grell: *almost cuts at her shoulder, but then gets a cut across his cheek.*
on January 19, 2016
on January 19, 2016

Red-Shadows Lyrics
Shadows RED one of my favourite songs :) I apologise for the wrong lyrics Monster-Master :) My site : http://tntradio.bplaced.net/wordpress/
on January 19, 2016

I'm confused how people use ? for many things, but what it REALLY mean?
on January 18, 2016