DRACOMALFOY1 added a new chapter to my Hogwarts life (1)
year 1
I am placed under the hat as it screams 'Slytherin!' I am so excited. I make my way over to Draco. Whenever we go back to our dorms I am in a room with Desiree Smith. We become fast friends. I also become close friends with Draco. We knew the time was drawing near. I had an ok idea. He agreed to it. We would get the Dark Mark in year 2 because this was an adventure and it is too much. I hated this and for Draco it is worse. We get the best grades in school besides the mudblood Granger. end of...
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on May 14, 2014
DRACOMALFOY1 created a story

my Hogwarts life (1)
on May 14, 2014
DRACOMALFOY1 created a poll
Which is your favorite? (1)
on May 13, 2014
You are amazing!!!
on May 13, 2014
on May 13, 2014
DRACOMALFOY1 created a page
Kelsey Malfoy
on May 13, 2014
DRACOMALFOY1 created a poll
Do you like Louisville basket ball?
on May 13, 2014
created a
on May 13, 2014