Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
You need to!
If you really want more and i mean about 4 more chapters comment "More!" And i will stick to my side of the promise. But commenting "More" Is sticking to your side.
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on November 18, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
Meant to be!?!?!
Mrs. D and Matthew both corroborate the story that, when they had left the restaurant after our initial meeting, Matthew matter of factly told his mother that I was the one. That he knew it. And she said she had always known it. She told him what I said about my boyfriend and I breaking up, and Matthew demanded she turn around. They came back, he scribbled his note on that little piece of paper, and he went back to find me.
And I COULD just say "The rest is history," but that really wouldn... Read Full Chapter
And I COULD just say "The rest is history," but that really wouldn... Read Full Chapter
on November 18, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
A Note
We ordered our breakfast and, after a few more minutes, the hostess walked up to our table and slipped me a little not. "That guy just came back in and told me to give this to you. He saw you sitting with Chris and didn't want to be rude and interrupt," she told me.
My heart skipped a beat. I unfolded the little note. Matthew had written his name and phone number and the message: Be back in two weeks. Would be great to hear from you!
I wask shaking. I can't explain it, but I felt like I... Read Full Chapter
My heart skipped a beat. I unfolded the little note. Matthew had written his name and phone number and the message: Be back in two weeks. Would be great to hear from you!
I wask shaking. I can't explain it, but I felt like I... Read Full Chapter
on November 18, 2013

My username on minecrtfat is lookalock and yesh i have skype

Ok cool! Add me, Chayton.hall
on November 18, 2013
on November 17, 2013

Hey, I am going to create a new account! I will put the name on my wall as soon as i make it! The account is where i write all my stories. No quizzes, polls, questions. Just stories and a page. Its called, "Writer's are fab" I'll also post when thats created as well.
on November 15, 2013

Um, hello?

Um, she wouldn't be all to eager to see them, especially since they chase after her and lick her on the lips...*cringe*.:p
on November 21, 2013

I used to have gold fish, before they died. My mom hates cats and dogs because she came from Taiwan and they are savage over there.
on November 20, 2013
on November 13, 2013

Cupecake asked a question

How close am i to starting my period? Hey Guys!, I will tell you guys the signs of pube...
on November 11, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
If you want more just comment "More" And i will make a few more chapters. And it goes on like that.
Thanks! I hope i get to add more chapters! It makes my day looking forward to.
Read Full Chapter
on November 11, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
I just said sir!?!?!
But in typical jenni fashion, I had to say at least one ridiculous thing before going along my merry way, so just as I turned around to walk back into the diner, I decided it poke my head in the car one more time and say, "Oh, excuse me SIR? What did you say your name was again? I already forgot!" Yes, I called him SIR. And as soon as that word flew off my tongue I was mortified with myself. Why the !@#$ did I just call him "Sir?" What an idiot!
He just laughed and said "Matthew."
"Ok t... Read Full Chapter
He just laughed and said "Matthew."
"Ok t... Read Full Chapter
on November 11, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
Mrs. D
Mrs. D led me just outside the little foyer where we'd been waiting. Her car was a few feet away, and the driver's side door was still open where she had gotten out. I peered into the car and there he was: the infamous son.
I'd be lying if I said I heard a choir of angels singing, or if I said a bright light shone upon him like some supernatural vision from God, but there was truly was instant attraction. He reached over from the passenger side seat to shake my hand and said, "Hey! Nice to... Read Full Chapter
I'd be lying if I said I heard a choir of angels singing, or if I said a bright light shone upon him like some supernatural vision from God, but there was truly was instant attraction. He reached over from the passenger side seat to shake my hand and said, "Hey! Nice to... Read Full Chapter
on November 11, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
On that Monday morning
So on that Monday morning, January 19 of 2009, I woke up, got showered, and dressed, and headed out to a 9:00 AM breakfast with my friend. Like usual, I was running a couple of minutes late.
Once i arrived, I parked my car and walked across the lot and into the little diner where my friend Chris was already waiting in the line to be seated. We chatted for maybe thirty seconds before the outside door of the restaurant swung open and, to my surprise, there was Mrs. D! She seemed excited to s... Read Full Chapter
Once i arrived, I parked my car and walked across the lot and into the little diner where my friend Chris was already waiting in the line to be seated. We chatted for maybe thirty seconds before the outside door of the restaurant swung open and, to my surprise, there was Mrs. D! She seemed excited to s... Read Full Chapter
on November 10, 2013

Cupecake added a new chapter to Our love story
It was Saturday that the ex and I had broken up by Monday morning, I as by NO means "Over" the breakup, I was feeling ever so slightly hopeful; or at least looking forward to fun breakfast with a friend.
One of my male coworkers was (is) like a brother to me; we were hired on the restaurant around the same time, and over the six and a half years until this point in the story, he had I had become close and occasionally planned a breakfast outing to catch up on the events of each other's liv... Read Full Chapter
One of my male coworkers was (is) like a brother to me; we were hired on the restaurant around the same time, and over the six and a half years until this point in the story, he had I had become close and occasionally planned a breakfast outing to catch up on the events of each other's liv... Read Full Chapter
on November 10, 2013