~Send this to a qfeaster you would like to meet in real life~ (Started by CrystalDiamond2323)
on August 29, 2014

CrystalWings asked a question

Which Qfeaster(s) do you want to meet in real life? SydneyRosaRenee T^T *Virtual wug*
on August 29, 2014

on August 28, 2014

on August 28, 2014

~Go down the heart and smiles ladder!~
<3:)<3 See More
<3:)<3 See More
on August 27, 2014

Anybody realized the new Qfeast Update? :-c:-c
We can now vote on polls more than once! :D Incase you made a mistake , you can vote again. :D WE CAN VOTE IN OUR OWN POLLS TOO!!
We can now vote on polls more than once! :D Incase you made a mistake , you can vote again. :D WE CAN VOTE IN OUR OWN POLLS TOO!!

First I thought it was just a glitch , then I was like OMG NEW UPDATE. That's why Qfeast was temporarily down...
on August 26, 2014
on August 26, 2014

CrystalWings asked a question

What was the first song you heard from your favourite singer? Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
on August 26, 2014
@Flutters/her other accounts
You See More
You and Jackie are the most I see online because you're both in the UK and the time is the same.
While when it's the evening for me , my american friends are probably asleep. T^T