Happy Birthday! Here's your present thing:http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120607001501/callofduty/images/8/82/Personal_Argorrath_Scootaloo_with_a_shoe.gif (Btw I did not make this gif)

Cute :3
on December 30, 2014

on December 30, 2014
on December 30, 2014

![My Little Pony Closer PMV] My Little Pony Closer PMV]](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/spp/5SJ89A.jpg)
My Little Pony Closer PMV]
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on December 28, 2014

When did you say you wanted to interview me again?

Q1: I was searching for Hogwarts House quizzes and wanted to comment on one so I made an account. I figured I'd never use it again.
Q2: Don't make me choose! I love all my fandoms! But I do really live Harry Potter since it was my very first fandom.
Q3: Hm... When I was a kid I loved Suite Life since I'm a twin too.
Q4: I would live to learn Latin. It's the basis See More of a ton of languages, and though it's no longer used it would be helpful.
Q5: Hippocampi! Yes, they aren't real, but I love them anyway.
Q6: I had recently finished Hunger Games around the time I joined Qfeast. I figured I should do a Hunger Games username. Originally, I wanted to to TheMockingjay as my username but it was taken or something.
Q7: I like the words legit, frolicking, and bae. I'm legit frolicking with my bae.
Q8: Hm... I dunno! Maybe when you spell a word so incorrectly even autocorrect can't fix it. And autocorrect in general can make things awkward.
Q2: Don't make me choose! I love all my fandoms! But I do really live Harry Potter since it was my very first fandom.
Q3: Hm... When I was a kid I loved Suite Life since I'm a twin too.
Q4: I would live to learn Latin. It's the basis See More of a ton of languages, and though it's no longer used it would be helpful.
Q5: Hippocampi! Yes, they aren't real, but I love them anyway.
Q6: I had recently finished Hunger Games around the time I joined Qfeast. I figured I should do a Hunger Games username. Originally, I wanted to to TheMockingjay as my username but it was taken or something.
Q7: I like the words legit, frolicking, and bae. I'm legit frolicking with my bae.
Q8: Hm... I dunno! Maybe when you spell a word so incorrectly even autocorrect can't fix it. And autocorrect in general can make things awkward.
on December 26, 2014

Q1 How did you find Qfeast?
Q2 Favourite fandom?
Q3 Childhood TV show?
Q4 If you can learn one more language, what would it be?
Q5 Favourite sea creature? See More
Q6 Why did you choose your username?
Q7 Favourite word?
Q8 Most awkward moment?
Q2 Favourite fandom?
Q3 Childhood TV show?
Q4 If you can learn one more language, what would it be?
Q5 Favourite sea creature? See More
Q6 Why did you choose your username?
Q7 Favourite word?
Q8 Most awkward moment?
on December 26, 2014
on December 25, 2014

on December 25, 2014

The Qfeast Christmas List!
Add something you want for Christmas to the list!
The list:
~ A laptop
~ A set of candy lipsticks
~ Tickets to Japan
~ Started by @MikasPrincess
Add something you want for Christmas to the list!
The list:
~ A laptop
~ A set of candy lipsticks
~ Tickets to Japan
~ Started by @MikasPrincess
on December 24, 2014

The Qfeast Christmas List!
Add something you want for Christmas to the list!
The list:
~ A laptop
~ A set of candy lipsticks
~ Started by @MikasPrincess
Add something you want for Christmas to the list!
The list:
~ A laptop
~ A set of candy lipsticks
~ Started by @MikasPrincess

The point is for you to add it yourself, and give it to other people so it makes a giant list.
The point is for you to add it yourself, and give it to other people so it makes a giant list.
on December 24, 2014
on December 24, 2014

Hey! wazzup?

1) i searched for mlp memes on the internet and one of the images was results for a cool mlp personality quiz and i searched it but then i clicked the wrong one and it took me to qfeast and then i was about to click away but then i looked and decided i liked it so i signed up for qfeast :D
2) Ummm, as in holiday? New Years! Thats like the russian christmas in See More terms of the celebration
3) o.O Soda. I hate the bubbles
4) Glarkly (glittery, sparkly)
5) Winter! I wish it snowed here :(
6) One, two, three, four, eight, fourteen... Glarkly O.O
7) My friends tricked me into eating a live cricket once... *shivers*
8) NONONO NOT THAT TT^TT ok, if i must pick ONE... Electric Angel by Vocaloid
2) Ummm, as in holiday? New Years! Thats like the russian christmas in See More terms of the celebration
3) o.O Soda. I hate the bubbles
4) Glarkly (glittery, sparkly)
5) Winter! I wish it snowed here :(
6) One, two, three, four, eight, fourteen... Glarkly O.O
7) My friends tricked me into eating a live cricket once... *shivers*
8) NONONO NOT THAT TT^TT ok, if i must pick ONE... Electric Angel by Vocaloid
on December 25, 2014

Anyway... About that interview for Popular Qfeasters
Q1 How did you discover Qfeast?
Q2 Favourite celebration?
Q3 Least favourite drink?
Q5 Favourite season?
Q6 How many fandoms do you have?
Q7 Grossest food you ate?
Q8 Favourite song?
Q1 How did you discover Qfeast?
Q2 Favourite celebration?
Q3 Least favourite drink?
Q5 Favourite season?
Q6 How many fandoms do you have?
Q7 Grossest food you ate?
Q8 Favourite song?
on December 25, 2014
on December 22, 2014

Gonna eat a muffin :3
on December 21, 2014

on December 21, 2014

Candy canes aren't just candy...
Look at the candy cane
What do you see?
Stripes that are red
Like blood shed for me.
White is for my Saviour
Who is sinless and pure! See More
J is for Jesus my Lord, that's for sure!
Turn it around And a staff you will see
Jesus my shepherd
Was born for me
(Mind = blown. Never noticed!)
Look at the candy cane
What do you see?
Stripes that are red
Like blood shed for me.
White is for my Saviour
Who is sinless and pure! See More
J is for Jesus my Lord, that's for sure!
Turn it around And a staff you will see
Jesus my shepherd
Was born for me
(Mind = blown. Never noticed!)
on December 21, 2014

Waiting for Hunter X Hunter 2011 episode 149
*Many years later*
*In my grave...still waiting*
*Many years later*
*In my grave...still waiting*
on December 20, 2014

Yay TRIPLE maths tests tomorrow! ?
I don't know about ya'll, but I fudging love maths.
I don't know about ya'll, but I fudging love maths.
on December 16, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1 Next contest: Draw your fav animal! :D

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!
on December 16, 2014