Well i gtg bai ppl
on April 04, 2014

Cristallite asked a question
What was your first reaction to..Creepy pasta? What was the first ever creepy pasta sto...
on April 03, 2014

Im usually on at:
When I wake up-8 something
Then back on 3-05 till 9 something depends on what I have on.I may live in a dif country but yeah
When I wake up-8 something
Then back on 3-05 till 9 something depends on what I have on.I may live in a dif country but yeah
on April 01, 2014

on April 01, 2014

New OC
Name Dusk
Dark Grey(almost black) hedgehog that looks a bit like a Crimson but instead of Crimson red its a deep blue and the eyes are violet-ish.
Dusk is the older brother of Crimson although thought dead.
His powers are the same as Crimson except hes better at Chaps control but worse at teleportation.
Dusk is also quite fast like Crimson
Same crescent marking on forehead
Name Dusk
Dark Grey(almost black) hedgehog that looks a bit like a Crimson but instead of Crimson red its a deep blue and the eyes are violet-ish.
Dusk is the older brother of Crimson although thought dead.
His powers are the same as Crimson except hes better at Chaps control but worse at teleportation.
Dusk is also quite fast like Crimson
Same crescent marking on forehead

This is Dusk also made by Sapphirethehedgehog {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
on April 01, 2014

And it was made by Sapphire the hedgehog so follow her she's awesome
And thank you for making t
And thank you for making t
on March 31, 2014
on March 31, 2014

Hello and welcome :D
on March 30, 2014

Cristallite added a story to the favorite list

Warriors- Moonclans secrets: A new chance
on March 30, 2014

I have a story i posted that perhaps you could read :D its my first fanfic
on March 30, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Silvermoons story
Chapter 3:The Journey begins
"We have to make the journey though.If the ancient enemy destroys Equestria none of us will survive.If the Celestial beings destroy Equestria i'm sure that there magic is powerful enough to fix it again as well as us being able to survive so its worth a chance"I said.The other two chosen ones nodded. "What do the Elements of harmony think?" Princess Celestia said."Go ahead sugarcube"AppleJack said."Well its better then nothing so you simply should darling"Rarity said."It...sounds...AWESOME!"R...
Read Full Chapter
on March 30, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Silvermoons story
Chapter 2:The celestial items
All of a sudden the other two ponies drew there swords and lunged at me.SunShine cast a barrier spell around us.The two ponies fell back.The emblem on the leaders armor started glowing and the barrier around us broke.The leader then picked me up with his magic.SunShine cast a fireball spell at the leader but it bounced off the armor and back at her.The leader just smiled.ShootingStar lunged at the other two ponies who were getting up. I kicked the leader hard which left a dent in his armor si...
Read Full Chapter
on March 30, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Silvermoons story
Chapter 1:Memories
After practicing my daily routine, I headed to PonyVille since my best friends ShootingStar and SunShine lived there.When I arrived,I headed to SugarCubeCorner since that was our favorite hang out spot and since they were usually there. On the way there, a very energetic pink mare with poofy pink hair bounced over to me and asked"HiSilverMoon!AreYouheadingtoSugarCubeCorner?wellifyouarethatswherei'mheadingtoo!CanItagalongwithyou?" Ending with a huge smile and looking at me. I personally had no...
Read Full Chapter
on March 30, 2014

Hi this is one of my three accounts.Im a big fan of pandas and some reason now is becoming a fan of Sonic.Shadows awesome.
This is my sonic oc:
Nickname:Don't have one yet
Eye color:Crimson red
Looks: kinda like shadow but more feminine. See More
Any marks: whitish crescent moon mark on forehead that glows crimson red when its a full moon.
Weapon:A crimson colored steel bow with a single black diamond just above the grip and below.
Fav colors: crimson red and black
Powers or skills:Is quite agile and can use a crimson chaos emerald to teleport to places but only if they are well known and been there ten times
Umm peace out i guess
This is my sonic oc:
Nickname:Don't have one yet
Eye color:Crimson red
Looks: kinda like shadow but more feminine. See More
Any marks: whitish crescent moon mark on forehead that glows crimson red when its a full moon.
Weapon:A crimson colored steel bow with a single black diamond just above the grip and below.
Fav colors: crimson red and black
Powers or skills:Is quite agile and can use a crimson chaos emerald to teleport to places but only if they are well known and been there ten times
Umm peace out i guess
on March 30, 2014