I wrote more New Girl, it's not a chapter but more of well... you'll see. :D
on July 03, 2014

You start

Crimson: i didn't choose it because, one theres a forcefield around the cell door and bars, and two, the anti power cuffs would stop any powers so we have to use our abilities without powers to get out. Trust me, i would of tried but i couldnt even get a spark,
on July 04, 2014

on July 03, 2014

Crimson:-thinks for one and a half seconds- Erudite..Dauntless would of been but well..you cant kick that door or anything due to the forcefield and candor would be no help, nor amity or abnegation. we need strats
on July 03, 2014
on July 03, 2014

I updated my story
on July 03, 2014

I wrote more New Girl! :D :) ;) :P
on July 03, 2014

Thank you for putting my story on your factories it means a lot! :)
on July 03, 2014

Thank you for adding the celestial born story to your favorites, it means a lot as I am hoping to become a author
on July 02, 2014

Thank you for adding The celestial born to your favorites, it means a lot as I am hoping to become a author ^.^

Your welcome! I really enjoy it! :) I'm sure you will do a wonderful job at being a author! :)
on July 02, 2014
on July 02, 2014

Here, you can vote for King or Queen of Dauntless now!

Who should be crowned the King or Queen of Dauntless?
Who should be crowned the King or Queen of Dauntless?. Start following JackieTheHedgehog to receive updates from him/her
on July 01, 2014

Crimson: No ones voting for me, I honestly don't care though. And so far..
Those three are my definite votes so far
Those three are my definite votes so far
on July 01, 2014

Crimson: Hmm..Well it seems that Jackie and Sonic are obvious answers as I believe everyone voted for them, who the others might be..I actually have no idea..yet

on July 01, 2014
on July 01, 2014