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on July 10, 2014

Thanks for adding Under the Moonlight to me, it means a lot as I am hoping to become a author
on July 10, 2014

added a
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What engagement ring portrays your personality?
on July 09, 2014

Name: Chihiro Akiyama
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long raven black hair normally in a ponytail, Chihiro (Or Chi/Hiro as she may be called) when not at school, wears various different outfits which are almost always black and red.. Later on, after she enters the Feudal Era, Chihiro carries a scabbard with her which holds her katana. Swordfighting is a skill she is quite proficient in, and combat in general although she favours speed over brute strength. She named her katana Yorukaze See More .She has crimson red eyes but she wears dark brown lenses. Even still, her eyes look more wine red than brown.
Age: About 16 or 17 physically.
Backstory: Chihiro is a half demon, a [insert species] hanyou to be exact, she knows little of her past family though, nor does she particularly care.chihiro does have flashbacks or some fuzzy memories about moments with figures who are her family though she doesn't remember what the figures look like nor does she remember their names. She is friends with Kagome and thus followed her into the well, ending up in Feudal Era Japan.
Powers: Chihiro has the ability of blood manipulation. it is not limited to controlling her own as she can also control others and make use of others blood such as crystallising it or making weapons out of it.
Ability drawbacks: A major flaw of this is that users of this power have a chance to become anaemic due to using too much of her blood. Too much use of her own blood also causes her to become fatigued. This is why she prefers to store blood over time and use that over time as well as other's blood.
Weapons: Yorukaze and her blood manipulation. She is fairly proficient with most weapons having trained with them with her blood manipulation. Being a half-demon she also has extendable claws. Her favoured weapon of choice will always be Yorukaze though.
Other: A shard of the Shikon Jewel is part of her. How this happened is still unknown. However, removing the jewel will most likely result in her death. Or at least, agonising pain. The shard is what gave her the ability to manipulate blood.
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long raven black hair normally in a ponytail, Chihiro (Or Chi/Hiro as she may be called) when not at school, wears various different outfits which are almost always black and red.. Later on, after she enters the Feudal Era, Chihiro carries a scabbard with her which holds her katana. Swordfighting is a skill she is quite proficient in, and combat in general although she favours speed over brute strength. She named her katana Yorukaze See More .She has crimson red eyes but she wears dark brown lenses. Even still, her eyes look more wine red than brown.
Age: About 16 or 17 physically.
Backstory: Chihiro is a half demon, a [insert species] hanyou to be exact, she knows little of her past family though, nor does she particularly care.chihiro does have flashbacks or some fuzzy memories about moments with figures who are her family though she doesn't remember what the figures look like nor does she remember their names. She is friends with Kagome and thus followed her into the well, ending up in Feudal Era Japan.
Powers: Chihiro has the ability of blood manipulation. it is not limited to controlling her own as she can also control others and make use of others blood such as crystallising it or making weapons out of it.
Ability drawbacks: A major flaw of this is that users of this power have a chance to become anaemic due to using too much of her blood. Too much use of her own blood also causes her to become fatigued. This is why she prefers to store blood over time and use that over time as well as other's blood.
Weapons: Yorukaze and her blood manipulation. She is fairly proficient with most weapons having trained with them with her blood manipulation. Being a half-demon she also has extendable claws. Her favoured weapon of choice will always be Yorukaze though.
Other: A shard of the Shikon Jewel is part of her. How this happened is still unknown. However, removing the jewel will most likely result in her death. Or at least, agonising pain. The shard is what gave her the ability to manipulate blood.

(No. Sorry.)
Ah, yes. My Dad has been monopolizing the TV, so I have been unable to rewatch it so I can get a feel for the characters. *sigh*
Ah, yes. My Dad has been monopolizing the TV, so I have been unable to rewatch it so I can get a feel for the characters. *sigh*
on March 16, 2017

Meh, that's fine. I watched it a while ago, so you won't be alone. :3 I is a bit fuzzy myself.
on March 16, 2017
on July 07, 2014

Imagine something like this except raven black hair

on July 07, 2014

Ok oc time..
Name: Yuri Hana
Real name: (she doesnt know it) Akuma umare
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long raven black hair normally in a ponytail, Yuri when not at school, wears a black kimono with red lilies on them and red accents. What else..Yuri carries a scabbard with her as she knows karate and sqord fighting. She named her katana Kasai.She has crimson red eyes but she wears sapphire blue contact lens.
Bit of a backstory: Yuri is a half demon, she knows nothing of her past See More family as she lost her memory.One day when she was walking she somehow ended up in futal era japan and found out she was half demon, She stayed there for a year and learnt a bit about her powers, the only thing Yuri knows about her parents is that her father was a demon and her mother a human. One day she was taken back to modern era of the show and woke up in the hospital. It was said she had been in a coma like state and im not gonna say anything else..
Powers: Fire..shadows.,Extendable razor sharp claws..
Weapons: Kasai her katana and a long bow as she is decent at archery.
Extra: Yuri goes to Kagomes school and is good friends with her.
Other extra: (if allowed) Is it possible for Yuri to possess a shard of the shikon jewel somehow as its kinda like..become a part of her? (Like that inuyasha game..) If allowed ^.^
Name: Yuri Hana
Real name: (she doesnt know it) Akuma umare
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long raven black hair normally in a ponytail, Yuri when not at school, wears a black kimono with red lilies on them and red accents. What else..Yuri carries a scabbard with her as she knows karate and sqord fighting. She named her katana Kasai.She has crimson red eyes but she wears sapphire blue contact lens.
Bit of a backstory: Yuri is a half demon, she knows nothing of her past See More family as she lost her memory.One day when she was walking she somehow ended up in futal era japan and found out she was half demon, She stayed there for a year and learnt a bit about her powers, the only thing Yuri knows about her parents is that her father was a demon and her mother a human. One day she was taken back to modern era of the show and woke up in the hospital. It was said she had been in a coma like state and im not gonna say anything else..
Powers: Fire..shadows.,Extendable razor sharp claws..
Weapons: Kasai her katana and a long bow as she is decent at archery.
Extra: Yuri goes to Kagomes school and is good friends with her.
Other extra: (if allowed) Is it possible for Yuri to possess a shard of the shikon jewel somehow as its kinda like..become a part of her? (Like that inuyasha game..) If allowed ^.^

Other shtuff...Even though shes a half demon as well, Inuyasha and her..basically frenemies. Sesshomaru- despite her being half demon- is kinda like a 'brother' in a way, to Yuri. Another reason why Inuyasha and Yuri dont get along that well.Yuri met Sesshomaru when she was travelling in the era and well..im not gonna say much else because i cant think atm
on July 08, 2014
on July 07, 2014

XD I just made one too
EDIT: And by one i mean a rp page
EDIT: And by one i mean a rp page
on July 07, 2014

beeesafe's Photo
beeesafe's Photo. Displaying photo 1 out of 65. Comment this photo
on July 07, 2014

on July 06, 2014


(Lol, well, I gtg for now, but I'll hopefully be back tomorrow, then we can continue this.)
on July 05, 2014
on July 05, 2014

Im unshippable, :3
on July 05, 2014

Happy 4th of july! :D<3:)
on July 05, 2014

Thanks for the follow
on July 04, 2014

Omg 7 away from 300 Derpy! Im like 8 away from 200

on July 04, 2014
on July 04, 2014