Name: Yukimura Hotaru.
Personality: Hotaru can often come off as a rude and cold individual. He often swears, especially when annoyed. He seems to have no troubles with killing or harming others and when he does, it seems as if he has no remorse.(Although this isn't the case. Hotoaru used to hate killing, he'd rather just render them unconcious but this has changed over time due to him realizing that in the shinobi world, it's often kill or be killed) However, once you get to See More know him, he can be quite kind and playful. By this, I mean when Hotaru trusts you or considers you a friend. At times, he can also be quite flirty although this doesn't happen often. He can also be quite competitive.
Quirks: He acts childish when he's tired.
Catchphrases or speech tics: Hotaru doesn't necessarily have a catchphrase although he does mutter "Idiot(s)" quite often when referring to other people(Naruto would probably be a prime example of someone whom Hotaru would call an idiot on a daily basis)
Physical Traits:(I'm guessing this is his appearance..) Hotaru has semi-spiky black hair. His eyes are a light icy blue. His 'ninja outfit' consists of a dark blue vest that he always keeps unzipped. Underneath that, he wears a black short-sleeved shirt and underneath that, he wears a long sleeved fishnet shirt. He wears dark blue capris with his kunai holster on his right leg. Hotaru also wears the traditional ninja sandals along with black fingerless gloves. His hitai-ite is around his forehead however the symbol is partially hidden by his hair.
Skills: Hotaru is probably the most skilled in ninjutsu. He was born ambidextrous which probably gives him an advantage as he can use both hands, even if the other is injured. (If possible could he be able to use one handed signs? If not, that's fine.) His taijutsu is probably his next greatest asset. His name (Hotaru, meaning firefly) suits him as in battle, he can be quite speedy. He isn't necessarily strong however he makes up for it in his speed. Hotaru's genjutsu skills are probably the worst. He is able to dispel most genjutsu (excluding advanced ones such as any Sharigan based ones or higher then chunin.). Overall, he's an average ninja if not above average. At the most, his current skills may be seen as a low chunin.
Chakra type: Hotaru's main chakra type is water however he knows a few lightning techniques which helps him prove to be a deadly combination.
Team: 11 (My made up, noncanon, team.)
Personality: Hotaru can often come off as a rude and cold individual. He often swears, especially when annoyed. He seems to have no troubles with killing or harming others and when he does, it seems as if he has no remorse.(Although this isn't the case. Hotoaru used to hate killing, he'd rather just render them unconcious but this has changed over time due to him realizing that in the shinobi world, it's often kill or be killed) However, once you get to See More know him, he can be quite kind and playful. By this, I mean when Hotaru trusts you or considers you a friend. At times, he can also be quite flirty although this doesn't happen often. He can also be quite competitive.
Quirks: He acts childish when he's tired.
Catchphrases or speech tics: Hotaru doesn't necessarily have a catchphrase although he does mutter "Idiot(s)" quite often when referring to other people(Naruto would probably be a prime example of someone whom Hotaru would call an idiot on a daily basis)
Physical Traits:(I'm guessing this is his appearance..) Hotaru has semi-spiky black hair. His eyes are a light icy blue. His 'ninja outfit' consists of a dark blue vest that he always keeps unzipped. Underneath that, he wears a black short-sleeved shirt and underneath that, he wears a long sleeved fishnet shirt. He wears dark blue capris with his kunai holster on his right leg. Hotaru also wears the traditional ninja sandals along with black fingerless gloves. His hitai-ite is around his forehead however the symbol is partially hidden by his hair.
Skills: Hotaru is probably the most skilled in ninjutsu. He was born ambidextrous which probably gives him an advantage as he can use both hands, even if the other is injured. (If possible could he be able to use one handed signs? If not, that's fine.) His taijutsu is probably his next greatest asset. His name (Hotaru, meaning firefly) suits him as in battle, he can be quite speedy. He isn't necessarily strong however he makes up for it in his speed. Hotaru's genjutsu skills are probably the worst. He is able to dispel most genjutsu (excluding advanced ones such as any Sharigan based ones or higher then chunin.). Overall, he's an average ninja if not above average. At the most, his current skills may be seen as a low chunin.
Chakra type: Hotaru's main chakra type is water however he knows a few lightning techniques which helps him prove to be a deadly combination.
Team: 11 (My made up, noncanon, team.)

(I said name in order of last name, first name so Hotaru is his first name, not Yukimura.)
on December 16, 2016
on December 16, 2016

Hey, you like Naruto, right? Well, if you also like RPing, go here: https://www.qfeast.com/page/snm15H/Naruto

An RP page for those who like to do Naruto RPs. Pretty self-explantatory.
on December 15, 2016

Cristallite asked a question

What are your Pottermore stats? Pottermore is pretty much the digital heart of J.K Rowl...
on December 15, 2016

Blackbutler.. Hm
Care to RP some time? .3.
Care to RP some time? .3.

Ciel take the letter and opens it quickly. Inah, however, is pissed. "Stop stealing my Honeydust!"
on May 04, 2017

"Young Master, the letter has yet to be opened." Sebastian redirected Ciel's attention to the unopened letter, waiting for Ciel to take the envelope.
on May 04, 2017

Inah sniffs something, then frowns. She looks at Gina. "What is that smell? It smells of honey? Yet its sweet..." She pins Gina to the wall, and kisses her arm. Ciel stares, blushing, and doesn't move. Inah drops Gina, then smacks her upside the head. Gina cries out, then looks down. "Ow..."
on April 30, 2017

Sebastian followed with a bow. "M'lady, Young Master. You have a letter from Her Majesty." He'd hold out the envelope to Ciel.
on April 29, 2017
on December 04, 2016

on December 04, 2016

Wow. 11/10. Tem Outta Tem. How do you even art? Teach me, Senpai .3.
But really, these all look fantastic.
But really, these all look fantastic.

Np <3
It's fine, thanks for offering. Persnally I need to work on shading and proportions, and drawing in general. But right now, I'm working on my story writing skills more.
It's fine, thanks for offering. Persnally I need to work on shading and proportions, and drawing in general. But right now, I'm working on my story writing skills more.
on December 05, 2016

thank you dear <3
if you want me to teach you, I can only give you little tips :v i need to know what you want to learn from me haha
if you want me to teach you, I can only give you little tips :v i need to know what you want to learn from me haha
on December 05, 2016
on December 04, 2016

I'm reading over previous stories I've written and realised how cringy they are. How did people even stand reading them I'll never know, they're terrible. So I may or may not end up deleting them, or rewriting them.
on December 04, 2016

The below is the revised OC form for Crimson and her anti, Azura. Edits and changes may still occur
on December 03, 2016

Name: Crimson
Gender: Female
Species: Demoness
Anti: Azura
Title(s) Or Other Names:
The Red Cardinal: A nickname/title given to her later on by the civilians of Mobius and the Mercenary's Guild when she worked for the Assassin's Guild.
Lady Nightshade: A title given to her for her status as Heiress of the demon city, Nyx. See More
Crim: A nickname given to her by many of her friends.
Scarlett Faux: One of her many aliases. This one is mentioned simply because it is the most used when she is undercover or in hiding.
Appearance: Crimson, as her name says, has crimson red eyes. Despite being a demoness, she takes the appearance of a hedgehog with ebony fur. Her hair is a raven black and is often tied up or falls down her back in slight waves. Her muzzle is white and as a hedgehog, she normally wears black or red boots coupled with a red shirt and a black skirt. Normally, she has a triangle on her forehead with a crescent moon in the middle. This is a representation of her status as a demon and as the daughter of Vladimir and Eleanora of the house of Nightshade. In a way, it is a brand. Her children, adopted or not, would, therefore, be marked with a star. In her demon form, she has a pair of black, bat-like wings and elongated fangs. Her pupils will either dilate like a cat's eye which symbolises Stage Three. In Stage Two, her sclera turns pitch black. In Stage One, her pupil looks like a pinprick. In Stage Zero, the iris completely disappears and the pupil turns red . When experiencing a strong emotion or when using her powers at Stage Two and below, a ruby red flame may emit from her right eye.
Gender: Female
Species: Demoness
Anti: Azura
Title(s) Or Other Names:
The Red Cardinal: A nickname/title given to her later on by the civilians of Mobius and the Mercenary's Guild when she worked for the Assassin's Guild.
Lady Nightshade: A title given to her for her status as Heiress of the demon city, Nyx. See More
Crim: A nickname given to her by many of her friends.
Scarlett Faux: One of her many aliases. This one is mentioned simply because it is the most used when she is undercover or in hiding.
Appearance: Crimson, as her name says, has crimson red eyes. Despite being a demoness, she takes the appearance of a hedgehog with ebony fur. Her hair is a raven black and is often tied up or falls down her back in slight waves. Her muzzle is white and as a hedgehog, she normally wears black or red boots coupled with a red shirt and a black skirt. Normally, she has a triangle on her forehead with a crescent moon in the middle. This is a representation of her status as a demon and as the daughter of Vladimir and Eleanora of the house of Nightshade. In a way, it is a brand. Her children, adopted or not, would, therefore, be marked with a star. In her demon form, she has a pair of black, bat-like wings and elongated fangs. Her pupils will either dilate like a cat's eye which symbolises Stage Three. In Stage Two, her sclera turns pitch black. In Stage One, her pupil looks like a pinprick. In Stage Zero, the iris completely disappears and the pupil turns red . When experiencing a strong emotion or when using her powers at Stage Two and below, a ruby red flame may emit from her right eye.

Personality: Crimson is generally a rather chilled and laidback person. She is caring and loyal to her friends, going as far to risk being hurt for them. Normally she'd be calm, however, if her friends are involved, her demeanour completely changes. She remains calm, but she can come off as cold, ruthless or apathetic, symbols of her time as an assassin.
on December 03, 2016

Likes: HellFire Racing, loyalty, her friends, reading and other things.
Dislikes: Water, irritating people, Azura, backstabbers, dishonesty and people who try to harm her friends. There are more, but these are the main ones.
Hobbies: HellFire Racing, reading and pulling pranks.
Weaknesses and Strengths: Crimson strongly dislikes water. She tries to avoid it See More as much as possible as the water weakens her powers, sometimes even completely disabling them. She is able to swim, although she prefers not to. Crimson is often calm, but can be reckless if her friends lives are in danger. Otherwise, she is a logical thinker and chooses to think first before acting. One strength of hers is that she can withstand even some of the hottest temperatures, however, the downside to this is the fact that she is extremely susceptible to cold climates or the cold in general.
Dislikes: Water, irritating people, Azura, backstabbers, dishonesty and people who try to harm her friends. There are more, but these are the main ones.
Hobbies: HellFire Racing, reading and pulling pranks.
Weaknesses and Strengths: Crimson strongly dislikes water. She tries to avoid it See More as much as possible as the water weakens her powers, sometimes even completely disabling them. She is able to swim, although she prefers not to. Crimson is often calm, but can be reckless if her friends lives are in danger. Otherwise, she is a logical thinker and chooses to think first before acting. One strength of hers is that she can withstand even some of the hottest temperatures, however, the downside to this is the fact that she is extremely susceptible to cold climates or the cold in general.
on December 03, 2016

Name: Azura
Gender: Female
Species: Unknown. It is presumed she is either an Angel or a Fallen Angel.
Title(s) or Other Names:
Sora No Tenshi: Meaning Angel Of The Sky, a title given to her by the Mercernary's Guild. See More
Just like Crimson being called The Red Cardinal, Azura was called Sora No Tenshi.
Lady Seraphina: A title given to her
Viper: A nickname given to her by Sol.
Celeste Hetherbelle: A alias which Azura often uses.
Gender: Female
Species: Unknown. It is presumed she is either an Angel or a Fallen Angel.
Title(s) or Other Names:
Sora No Tenshi: Meaning Angel Of The Sky, a title given to her by the Mercernary's Guild. See More
Just like Crimson being called The Red Cardinal, Azura was called Sora No Tenshi.
Lady Seraphina: A title given to her
Viper: A nickname given to her by Sol.
Celeste Hetherbelle: A alias which Azura often uses.
on December 03, 2016

Appearance: Azura has bright, sky blue eyes. She also takes the appearance of a hedgehog with white fur and her hair is blue, often in a high ponytail or left down. Her muzzle is a light grey and she normally wears a white shirt and blue skirt with white high heels. She also has a pair of light grey feathery wings which she can choose to have visible or not. See More These wings allow her to fly but are sensitive. When using her powers, her left eye may emit a wispy blue flame.
Personality: Azura is an actor above all. She often fakes being kind, polite and caring, maintaining a semi-shy persona, however, her true personality is manipulative, sly and sadistic. She realizes that if Crimson dies, so would she, so she does her best to make Crimson suffer, even going as far as to attempt turning Crimson's own friends against her by making Crimson seem cruel.
Personality: Azura is an actor above all. She often fakes being kind, polite and caring, maintaining a semi-shy persona, however, her true personality is manipulative, sly and sadistic. She realizes that if Crimson dies, so would she, so she does her best to make Crimson suffer, even going as far as to attempt turning Crimson's own friends against her by making Crimson seem cruel.
on December 03, 2016

Likes: Manipulating others, water and ice, listening to others screams of pain, inflicting harm to others and turning others against each other.
Dislikes: Crimson, fire and 'goody-two-shoes.'
Hobbies: Manipulating others, reading, playing the piano and flying.
Dislikes: Crimson, fire and 'goody-two-shoes.'
Hobbies: Manipulating others, reading, playing the piano and flying.
on December 03, 2016
on December 03, 2016


on December 04, 2016
on December 03, 2016

Death was like a permanent disease
Plaguing humans for all of eternity,
It was a dastardly, destructive and deadly dance until our life would cease
And the light would fade and we'd take our last breath
It was until the colour turned into a dull grey,
And the world would blur and begin to fade
And everything that we saw today, See More
Would be but a distant memory.
A.k.a My attempt at writing a poem. So far the attempts end up either depressing or morbid.
Plaguing humans for all of eternity,
It was a dastardly, destructive and deadly dance until our life would cease
And the light would fade and we'd take our last breath
It was until the colour turned into a dull grey,
And the world would blur and begin to fade
And everything that we saw today, See More
Would be but a distant memory.
A.k.a My attempt at writing a poem. So far the attempts end up either depressing or morbid.
on December 03, 2016

Thank you for favouriting the story, although you didn't need to. That was rather quick.

Yeah, hence why I stated "Therefore a warning in advance, if you don't enjoy stories or at least, strongly dislike, mentions of suicide or someone being told to kill themselves, then this story would most likely not be for you"
on December 03, 2016

@The_Panda_Otaku I read pretty quick. Although, you may want to put a TW in the description. Some people are sensitive when it comes to that stuff. Other than that, nice work!
on December 03, 2016
on December 03, 2016

Cristallite added a new chapter to The Book of Randomness
The Diary
Just a random 'short' story I wrote ages ago. I think it was for an assignment..Shrug.
Humming resonated around the dim room, a single candle being the only thing to illuminate the spacious area, but even then, the candle’s flame was flickering, threatening to burn out. Fingers ghosted over the leather-bound spines belonging to the various books lined up on the mahogany shelves of a bookcase. Suddenly the humming ceased and the fingers stopped, resting on a particularly worn book bound in bl... Read Full Chapter
Humming resonated around the dim room, a single candle being the only thing to illuminate the spacious area, but even then, the candle’s flame was flickering, threatening to burn out. Fingers ghosted over the leather-bound spines belonging to the various books lined up on the mahogany shelves of a bookcase. Suddenly the humming ceased and the fingers stopped, resting on a particularly worn book bound in bl... Read Full Chapter
on November 21, 2016

It's sad that I remember the whole english translation for Guren No Yumiya (From Attack on Titan) by Amanda Lee/LeeAndLie. Ha...
on August 04, 2016

Beware, beware
(If anyone says what I'm thinking, kudos to you. Humor is also accepted :) )
(If anyone says what I'm thinking, kudos to you. Humor is also accepted :) )
on August 01, 2016

on July 31, 2016