I rly like drawing stars as highlights in my character's eyes
it's fun??
it's fun??
on December 14, 2017

//guessing who got an insta
I'm literally only posting art and pictures of my dog so there's isn't gonna be any photos of me ahaha
I'm literally only posting art and pictures of my dog so there's isn't gonna be any photos of me ahaha
on December 14, 2017

since most of us are fuckked tomorrow so just gonna toss this out here now:
ily all,even the people I've had shit with. internet is probably gonna be hella expensive for me if this whole thing is repealed but it's been a good run.
ily all,even the people I've had shit with. internet is probably gonna be hella expensive for me if this whole thing is repealed but it's been a good run.
on December 14, 2017

hey guess who feels like shit
that's right it's mE
it still smells like sewage,it isn't even 10 AM and I've thrown up so isn't that grea t
that's right it's mE
it still smells like sewage,it isn't even 10 AM and I've thrown up so isn't that grea t

im somewhat better now?? I finally got out of the horrible smelling hall so that's good
it's the heating system that causes it,and I don't think they're able to fix it
it's the heating system that causes it,and I don't think they're able to fix it
on December 13, 2017
on December 13, 2017

well most of us are probably fuckked by tomorrow,just gonna throw that out there

and some net neutrality shit,no one knows atm if it got repealed or not
and some net neutrality shit,no one knows atm if it got repealed or not
on December 14, 2017

im?? literally just saying lmao
they're gonna repeal it anyway,no matter what any of us do so it's useless at this point.
they're gonna repeal it anyway,no matter what any of us do so it's useless at this point.
on December 13, 2017
on December 13, 2017

on December 13, 2017

have i mentioned how much i hate most people
have i mentioned how much i hate most people

it's chill dw about it
i mean,i'm not an amazing person but i'm not gonna kill myself over one person its just
i let too much stuff get into my head and i hate it
i mean,i'm not an amazing person but i'm not gonna kill myself over one person its just
i let too much stuff get into my head and i hate it
on December 13, 2017

Sorry for the delayed reply.
Don't let it get to your head. You shouldn't and you're an a,axing person,
Don't let it get to your head. You shouldn't and you're an a,axing person,
on December 13, 2017

just got told to kill myself by someone so that's great.
honestly i could give less of a shit but egh that isn't today
honestly i could give less of a shit but egh that isn't today
on December 13, 2017
on December 13, 2017

//tmw you find a pretty lioness in explore but you fail at claiming her

on December 12, 2017
on December 12, 2017

"One thing will lead to another,and then we'll all be dead."
alright but london above is great
their songs give me rly good vibes,especially nightfall
alright but london above is great
their songs give me rly good vibes,especially nightfall
on December 11, 2017

back on like a more positive note
I think break is next week and I'm pretty fuckking excited
I think break is next week and I'm pretty fuckking excited
on December 11, 2017

rly petty rant under the cut
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I get super nervous when people start asking me about my art actually
im not like hostile to them at first until I get the words (or similar): "can you draw me something?"
honestly I just say 'pay me' and they get all pissy. Like- you can pay me a dollar and I'll still draw something for you,it'll be messy (since my sketches are messy as hell) but you could have the decency to not flip the fuckk out thank you-
it's honestly just a thing that may be with just me but I don't know for sure,this is just me being petty but yeah here's my one rant for today ig
- See More
I get super nervous when people start asking me about my art actually
im not like hostile to them at first until I get the words (or similar): "can you draw me something?"
honestly I just say 'pay me' and they get all pissy. Like- you can pay me a dollar and I'll still draw something for you,it'll be messy (since my sketches are messy as hell) but you could have the decency to not flip the fuckk out thank you-
it's honestly just a thing that may be with just me but I don't know for sure,this is just me being petty but yeah here's my one rant for today ig
on December 11, 2017

//okay I've been dying but like
I've always headcannoned alpine's noises to be similar to trico's from TLG,and I don't know why but I feel like it'd sorta fit???
like from the hissing and growling when they're both upset to the chuffing and purring when they're pleased/excited or anxious
I need to chi l l-
I've always headcannoned alpine's noises to be similar to trico's from TLG,and I don't know why but I feel like it'd sorta fit???
like from the hissing and growling when they're both upset to the chuffing and purring when they're pleased/excited or anxious
I need to chi l l-
on December 11, 2017

//aaa sorry I've been like dead for most of the day
some friends came over to hang out n all that good stuff
some friends came over to hang out n all that good stuff

on December 11, 2017
on December 11, 2017