Look at my quiz results! What about you?
YAY I soo wanna be a doctor when I am older. Hopefully in the future this quiz will be EASY
YAY I soo wanna be a doctor when I am older. Hopefully in the future this quiz will be EASY
on June 06, 2015

All year Ive had a crush on this kid in my class I did tell him but I never really showed him how I feeled
on June 05, 2015

Cloudedstar subscribed to page

Type your name backwards (there will be a funny result)
on May 28, 2015

I no reveal name either so I use Skylar
on May 28, 2015

Yo mama so fat it took 8 planes to carry her to the bathroom
on May 21, 2015

Perry ( Agent P)
Perry ( Agent P)
You love hanging out with your family, but sometimes you have other plans. You may have secrets, but that's OK!You always know what to do ahead of time. And also, anyone who is like perry, is AWESOME! By the way, do NOT going out fighting pharmacist.
Perry ( Agent P)
Perry ( Agent P)
You love hanging out with your family, but sometimes you have other plans. You may have secrets, but that's OK!You always know what to do ahead of time. And also, anyone who is like perry, is AWESOME! By the way, do NOT going out fighting pharmacist.
on May 20, 2015

Mable: Dipper where did you put that dopey Journal?!
on May 11, 2015

I wish that everyone in the world (except bad ppl and my enimeis) could willingly transform into any animal They wish.:)
on May 10, 2015

Look at my quiz results! What about you? I KNOW MINECRAFT AYAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY
on May 10, 2015
i failed it :(