Clairebear14's Polls
Clairebear14 published 18 polls
Which book should I read next?

Mk, so I need a Halloween costume, just in case I do go somewhere this year. Who should...
Favorite Love Joy song from their newest album?
Which language should I attempt to learn?
Kneadable Erasers?
What is the best video game?
Descriptions should not be required!
Which Dream SMP Ship is the Best? (yes i know some of these arent technically ships)
Which is better? Old Zodiac or New Zodiac Dates?
How do you spell ice cream?
Which do you prefer? (11)
Do you guys think I will make All-State band?

What is/was your favorite school subject?
What is your favorite candy?

Do you have stage fright?

What is your zodiac sign? (3)

What is your favorite song out of these? (If you don't know these songs, look them up o...