ChlojoIsGoth added a new chapter to I am a Victim
Day 2: Rest of my increasingly awful day
3rd Period
I talked to one of my friends about what to do about Marie.
Me and Layla discussed what we might do about Marie and Lacy and their plan.
Rest of day
I stayed silent Read Full Chapter
I talked to one of my friends about what to do about Marie.
Me and Layla discussed what we might do about Marie and Lacy and their plan.
Rest of day
I stayed silent Read Full Chapter
on March 16, 2017

ChlojoIsGoth added a new chapter to I am a Victim
Day 2: Morning
Before School
As I walked in I saw Lacy(who has turned full on bully) in the cafe, I walked to a back table and began listening to music. late Marie walked in, and the tow of the started talking and looking at me.
1st Period
Lacy stared at me almost the whole time.
2nd Period
Two of my other friends tried to get me to file a bulling report, but I said wait until something happens. Read Full Chapter
As I walked in I saw Lacy(who has turned full on bully) in the cafe, I walked to a back table and began listening to music. late Marie walked in, and the tow of the started talking and looking at me.
1st Period
Lacy stared at me almost the whole time.
2nd Period
Two of my other friends tried to get me to file a bulling report, but I said wait until something happens. Read Full Chapter
on March 16, 2017

If you have had any sort of bullying experience post it, please, it would help me know i am not alone
on March 15, 2017

well, "music is poetry in motion, poetry is music that has been frozen in time."-me
on March 12, 2017

yay! here it is, if you cry or do something else not my fault, yours for reading something so gorey
Cold Metal- A Book of Dark Poetry
Cold Metal A Collection of Poetry By: Chloe Lynd Special Thanks To: Naisha Patil, Sriharshini Gottipolu, Laura Martinez, Rees Wilson, Naba Iqbal, Alexis Abraham, & Abby Walker Drop Dead Shadows fill my room Extending to every corner And I know what they will do To b...
on March 12, 2017

like if you want a link to my poetry, WARNING it conatins death and is overall depressing!
on March 12, 2017

Does anyone else do this? I search up gogle docs when i want google docs because it brings up google docs faster
on March 12, 2017

thank you to avengers,puddin,andtwinsie? maybe sorry if i spelled that wrong
on March 12, 2017

I wannna give a shout out to Keelybear for following me, i'll do this for everyone who follows me from now on
on March 12, 2017

Well, I will take requests on what to do, remember i will not hurt myself of anyone else
on March 12, 2017

on March 12, 2017