Chenj999 asked a question

Warrior cat name ideas? I'm now writing a new story called "Destiny of the Stars", and ...
on June 09, 2016

on May 25, 2016

Chenj999 asked a question

Warrior cat name ideas? (1) I'm writing a series about warrior cats. I need names... H...
on May 07, 2016

Chenj999 asked a question

What should the warrior names be for the characters of the series I'm writing? I need w...
on April 03, 2016

created a

Which cat from my made-up clan, SpottedClan, are you most like?
on August 26, 2015

Chenj999 created a poll
who is more evil? Tigerstar, Brokenstar, or Hawkfrost? (and who looks more ugly) LOL
on July 08, 2015

on July 01, 2015

on June 29, 2015