How to start a shippy rp: "Babe, where's my ...." How to start a long casual rp: "Why aren't there any cookies in the cookie jar?"
on July 24, 2015

Today's Swedish sentence: "Smaken är som baken". It means "Taste is like the butt" meaning that everyone has different tastes but that they often fall into categories, just like butts. For ex. Cute butts, muscular butts, big butts etc.
on July 24, 2015

Haven't slept for 24 hours. Haven't eaten for 16 hours, not good combination. <-<
on July 24, 2015

I think 9 followers in about 1 1/2 day is pretty good. Especially for not having done anything particular.
on July 24, 2015

7:00 AM Vincent reporting again. My mission is and was dumb. I will stay up for awhile though. Hungry again, i can hear my family moving around in the apartment.
on July 24, 2015

6:20 AM Vincent reporting. Have thought of giving up, hunger has stilled and just now i'm just worried about pissed family waking up to see me sleep deprived.
on July 24, 2015

5:40 Am Vincent reporting. Still up. Hungry and wanting to put on ear-deafening music. The sun is shining bright outside, i almost thought it was 2pm.
on July 24, 2015

Update: The only thing that i have to do at this hour is to roleplay. Atleast i'm paired up with a great Terezi roleplayer.
on July 24, 2015

Me at 5am: Using QFeast as twitter, complaining about how tired i am and roleplaying at the same time.
on July 24, 2015

I like how i get mentioned one time and just suddenly, i have like a ton more followers
on July 24, 2015

If you love someone. Tell them "Jag älskar dig" since swedish is totally the most romantic language there is.
on July 24, 2015

It's 3am and i'm still up.
on July 24, 2015

on July 23, 2015

Currently working on a Karkat, can't get the eyes right, pissed.
on July 23, 2015

And as usual, i have a fantastic sketch. Can't do the linework though. FML.
on July 23, 2015

Maybe it's because i haven't eaten breakfast but I REALLY CAN'T ART RIGHT NOW
on July 23, 2015

Let's see if i can get up some karkat drawings as my profile picture. :]
on July 23, 2015