check out my new page "movies to be excited for". It features books, video games, and movies that will be made.
on May 05, 2014

Good people to follow? (besides myself)

DazzlingMoonlight, I.Love.Lord.Voldemort, DEMILOVATOCIMORELLI, Akane, Frozen_number_1_fan, melzzz2000, beeesafe, MockingjayDistrict, blackcat123, Flutters and CrystalWings!! :D :D
on April 24, 2014

Everyone they've mentioned r my friends so make sure to follow them but these r my additions :): skyheart, warriorcatlover93, crimsonthehedgehog, blackcat123, MEGS0316, frozen_number_1_fan, I.love.lord.voldemort, beana, gummybearlove, bananakd, insanitykills99, anarhia, sisaloofafump, baileyreed, midnightfox, darkstar, kittey, thehost, madison1, jaytheangel
on April 24, 2014

Dazzlingmoonlight, Celest_Stories, DerpytheGreatandPowerful, Quartz_Mudkip, Akane, Aliens101, Chuzzyo, Crystalwings, MockingjayDistrict, Parabolic, Tankbersk, Sapphirewing, Number1Ariantor, SC_Q.13, Valery, Cupcakese, and Ningatur. (Sorry I didn't mention some people. I could name all of my followers!)
on April 24, 2014

DarkStar, Quartz_Mudkip, Parabolic, Akane, Animalgirl301, Beeesafe, Chuzzyo, Groven_Tears, Gummybear14, SapphireRose, Shine_Stories, Silence_Is_Beautiful, Writerunner!! AND FINALLY LAST BUT NOT LEAST............ Eridan_Ampora!!!!!
on April 24, 2014
on April 24, 2014

look at my first page. it is titled movies to be excited for, i will add more movies every month or so. feel free to ask for a membership if you have some other things to share!
on April 20, 2014

on April 19, 2014

Bumr9 asked a question
My Qfeast account hates me, any help? Everytime i open my Qfeast account, it says i hav...
on April 14, 2014

My brother LOVES ariana... i do a little bit to.
on March 03, 2014