BreezeyClouds asked a question

What do you think of this Mlp game, Ponyvania Order of Equestria? So what do you think ...
on December 10, 2013

Ha ha I didn't realize till I read about you, but we have a lot in common. I have a passion for drawing, my friends also complement my drawings usally with "It's so cute" or "Aww". My drawings usually consists of Mlp or anime. Ya who cares what your mom says, Mlp ftw!!! :D

grrr page
on December 09, 2013

i mean why you CANT post on ur oage
on December 09, 2013

I KNOW RIGHT!!!! THATS WHY I WAS ASKING you why you can post!!!! i was gonna write that!!!! but i didnt wanna seem like i was a crazy kidnapper by telling you we were so much alike on a private message!!!!:D
on December 09, 2013
on December 09, 2013

BreezeyClouds asked a question

What pet have you always wished for? A pug, a kitten, a fish or a small bird? What pet ...
on December 08, 2013

BreezeyClouds added a story to the favorite list

Axe Murder (A Short Horror Story!)
on December 08, 2013

Finally finished The Tall Black Suited Man, feeling a sigh of relief. :)
on December 08, 2013

I will be updating the fan page image once every season, if you have any I ideas then I suggest telling me. Once a december/christmas has passed I will choose an idea, I will post it lickity split afterwards :D
on December 07, 2013

Hey every pony! I would just like to ask whats your favourite episode in season 4, do you like it so far?
Episode one is my favourite so far, it's suspenseful and keeps me intrigued all the way through. Ya know with all the flashblacks of the past, how Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeating Discord.
Episode one is my favourite so far, it's suspenseful and keeps me intrigued all the way through. Ya know with all the flashblacks of the past, how Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeating Discord.

on December 13, 2013
on December 07, 2013

BreezeyClouds added a new chapter to My Little Pony Fim and the Cutie mark chronicles.

Applejacks True Calling
Applejack as filly lived on Sweet Apple Acres with her big brother, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. Applejack didn't want to spend her time working on a old muddy farm, she wanted to live a sophisticated life like her aunt and uncle Orange. She wanted to try out a big bustling city, like Manhattan, where she believes she will find her cutie mark. Soon arriving at her uncle and aunts house, they insist that Applejack needs to fixed up to be a "true" Manhattan. Soon she finds herself with a fan...
Read Full Chapter
on December 07, 2013

More chapters are being added to My Little Pony Fim And The Cutie Mark Chronicles, please be patient and thank you for understanding:D
on December 07, 2013

BreezeyClouds created a story

My Little Pony Fim and the Cutie mark chronicles.
on December 07, 2013