My Little Pony Fim Questions

My Little Pony Fim Questions

Test your knowledge on Mlp, see how well you do. Answer these questions and find out just how much you know. Some questions might varify from: Cutie marks, episode related questions, and ponies.

published on December 08, 2013

How does Rainbow Dash get her cutie mark?

How does Rainbow Dash get her cutie mark?
She does a sonic rainboom, that's all.
She was defending Fluttershy's honour, therefore racing against two ponies and did a sonic rainboom.
She was racing and won against two fillies.
Going super fast in the sky like she never had before.

In season 4 episode 1, what is invading Ponyville?

In season 4 episode 1, what is invading Ponyville?
The Everfree Forest
A Hydra

In season 1 episode 23 featuring The Cutie Mark Chronicles, the Cutie Mark Crusaders set out to find their special talent. Bumping into a few ponies, they ask them how they got their cutie marks. Who was the first pony the ran into?

In season 1 episode 23 featuring The Cutie Mark Chronicles, the Cutie Mark Crusaders set out to find their special talent. Bumping into a few ponies, they ask them how they got their cutie marks. Who was the first pony the ran into?
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie

In seaosn one, episode 2, who was the antagonist the six main characters had to face?

In seaosn one, episode 2, who was the antagonist the six main characters had to face?
Queen Chrysalis
Nightmare Moon

What is the name of this pony who loves muffins? (Real name)

What is the name of this pony who loves muffins? (Real name)

What is the name of the pony who comes to Ponyville, bragging that she is the best unicorn?

What is the name of the pony who comes to Ponyville, bragging that she is the best unicorn?

What does Spike, Twilights number one assistant love to eat the most?

What does Spike, Twilights number one assistant love to eat the most?
Gems and Crystals

Name the three Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Name the three Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Scootaloo, Snails, Sweetie Belle
Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
Snails, Snips, Sweetie Belle
Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Crunch.

Who has the balloon cutie mark out of the main six?

Who has the balloon cutie mark out of the main six?
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash

How does Fluttershy recieve her cutie mark?

How does Fluttershy recieve her cutie mark?
She gets knocked off a cloud and overcomes her fear of flying.
After a sonic rainboom occurs, the animals are startled, but Fluttershy finds out that she can communicate with animals.
She gets scared and falls down from Cloudsdale, but then is caught by butterflies.
Fluttershy saw butterflies and she thought just how wonderful they are.