Boymeetsworldfreak's Starred Polls
Boymeetsworldfreak has 49 starred polls

Who is your favorite character from Frozen

which ice-cream?

which eye makup is best?
Who looks scary part2 because I screwed up

Blue or red pill (look at pic)

Who do you want to be when you grow up?

Hotdogs or hamburgers?

What emoji do you use the most\like the most?

Elizabeth Gillies or Dove Cameron?

Are you a boy or a girl?

Fav Song ?

Which iphone case is cool?
do you like the Iphone 5s or the samsung galaxy s4

Do you support Gay Rights?
do you believe in god? (2)
what color should I dye my hair this time?

Which Chips Brand is Your Favorite?

What is Your Favorite Cereal?

How many Brothers/Sisters do you have?