Boymeetsworldfreak added a poll to the starred list

If you LOVE R5 like me :), then what is your favourite song from their album 'LOUDER' o...
on January 02, 2015

Boymeetsworldfreak added a question to the starred list
i wanna be a music artist well im 12 years old i just started the indianapolis children...
on January 02, 2015

I wanna go to disneyworld now!

I don't know for sure. It will be my brothers senior year in the summer, so he will get to pick the trip. He might choose Hawaii or Disney, I hope it's Disney! I will tell u when he decides! @Laurie_Angel
on January 02, 2015

I might go again next year too! Either Disney or an island. And thanks for subscribing!@Laurie_Angel
on January 02, 2015
on January 02, 2015

on January 02, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Are You a True Rebel At Heart?
on January 01, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Are You and JeweledOwl812 (me) Alike?
on January 01, 2015

I got your message but I can't respond back. Sorry! I wish I could tell u what I said

K. Thank you so much for apologizing! I appreciate that! Perhaps I should've thought first, too. I hope we can get along and happy new year!
on January 02, 2015
on January 01, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list
zombie apacalypse
on December 30, 2014