If you watched the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime. And if you cried at the ending (like me), this'll make you cry. The unofficial "music video" was done so well with the clips and the fading in and out. And how it kept to the original and not Brotherhood and consisted to represent the meaning of the song.

Vic Mignogna - Far From Home
This Video is not done by me it's done by a friend of mine Sabina who decided to make a video for Vic's birthday but she doesn't have a YT account on her own...
on February 27, 2015

llllll|llll|llllll See More
What do you see above?
llllll|llll|llllll See More
What do you see above?
on February 27, 2015
on February 27, 2015

BlueTurkey added a question to the starred list

Who do you fangirl? I KNOW there's a fangirl inside of you! Now PROVE IT! Who do you fa...
on February 26, 2015

BlueTurkey uploaded a photo
The greatness of friends. They let you have dibs on your anime crush. (Yugi=Peanutbutter625)

on February 26, 2015

Finished all my homework they started pilling a lot on us lattt-Shit! I got Algebra! And it's 9:30! This is gunna cut into my anime time!
on February 26, 2015


What This Little Girl Takes Away From An Internet Video Will Melt Your Heart | Diply
This little girl has an adorable revelation after watching an online video. This one will bring a smile to your face!
on February 26, 2015

Day 9: (sorry for not doing this for a while)
I plan that I want to go to a collage out of the country for cartooning, or business. Maybe both. I'll hopefully stay in that country for most or all of my adulthood. But I do plan to breeze past highschool, getting the requirements done and focusing more on classes that consist of drawing.
I plan that I want to go to a collage out of the country for cartooning, or business. Maybe both. I'll hopefully stay in that country for most or all of my adulthood. But I do plan to breeze past highschool, getting the requirements done and focusing more on classes that consist of drawing.
on February 26, 2015

So today, since I'm in 8th grade, I had to sign up for classes next year. The paper asked what careers I'm interested in. I put down, "cartoonist, business, criminal justice".
I told my parents what I put down, my dad tells me cartooning's not the greatest job. My mom tells me I'll have no life and no sympathy if I go into criminal justice. I'll prove them wrong... I'll prove them wrong...
I told my parents what I put down, my dad tells me cartooning's not the greatest job. My mom tells me I'll have no life and no sympathy if I go into criminal justice. I'll prove them wrong... I'll prove them wrong...
on February 25, 2015
on February 25, 2015

on February 25, 2015
on February 25, 2015
on February 25, 2015

So, today on the bus, there's a Freshman in highschool that fibs these kids in like 6th and 7th grade. And I don't know if these kids are aware that her stories and "facts" are fake.
Anyways, so the Freshman is telling them a story about how her little brother punched her in the nose yesterday while they were packing up for a hunting trip later that week and how blood was gushing everywhere. Her nose was perfectly normal. It wasn't swollen or anything. So I cut her off saying, See More and I quote, "Your nose would be swollen if that story's really true. Therefor, your story's bullshit." She replies saying, "It really happened." I again say, "Your nose would be swollen today if he really punched you."
Then she says, "It's a true story even ask my sister!" Their brother doesn't ride the bus for whatever reason. I look at her sister and she looks engrossed in her iPod or iPhone. I then state, "You never once mentioned your sister in the story." She just turns her head away from me and talks about how she hates people to the 6th and 7th graders.
Anyways, so the Freshman is telling them a story about how her little brother punched her in the nose yesterday while they were packing up for a hunting trip later that week and how blood was gushing everywhere. Her nose was perfectly normal. It wasn't swollen or anything. So I cut her off saying, See More and I quote, "Your nose would be swollen if that story's really true. Therefor, your story's bullshit." She replies saying, "It really happened." I again say, "Your nose would be swollen today if he really punched you."
Then she says, "It's a true story even ask my sister!" Their brother doesn't ride the bus for whatever reason. I look at her sister and she looks engrossed in her iPod or iPhone. I then state, "You never once mentioned your sister in the story." She just turns her head away from me and talks about how she hates people to the 6th and 7th graders.
on February 24, 2015

I think that I've gotten better with drawing in anime style. And I've drawn the Elric Brothers and Winry for a secret to everyone. :3
on February 22, 2015

Back from the movies. Bubbles the Dolphin has illuminati thingy on his cape. NICKALODIAN BEING APART OF ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!
on February 21, 2015

Gunna go see the new Spongebob movie at 1:40! Supposedly Bob Camp who worked on Ren and Stimpy worked on this movie. Can't wait to see it!
on February 21, 2015

I was at Barns and Nobel this afternoon, and I saw the full set of Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Soul Eater! If I only had money...

Each were about 15 bucks. I did the math and if I were to get the full set FMA 3 in 1 it would be cheaper than getting the box set on Amazon. I didn't check for the others but I know they were 15 bucks for all the mangas there.
on February 21, 2015
on February 21, 2015

![鋼の錬金術師 - カラメルダンセン [COMPLETE] 鋼の錬金術師 - カラメルダンセン [COMPLETE]](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/spp/628w4B.jpg)
鋼の錬金術師 - カラメルダンセン [COMPLETE]
originally uploaded here: http://kra.deviantart.com/art/FMA-Caramelldansen-129054814 WOO! i finally found a way to convert to a format that YouTube is willin...
on February 20, 2015

Day 8:
Most of the time when I feel most satisfied in life is when I yell at somebody for doing something stupid. Because I just proved them wrong.
Most of the time when I feel most satisfied in life is when I yell at somebody for doing something stupid. Because I just proved them wrong.
on February 20, 2015