BlueTheQuizWhiz97 added a new chapter to Reflection
Chapter 2- Fight The Fire, You Get Burned
We started moving even before the bell finished ringing. We went to our lockers, grabbed our stuff, and went to class. Half of the class was already there, the other half still coming in. The bell doesn't start class, it is simply the warning bell saying "Get to class before the period starts!". We sit down near the back, because that's Reigha's favorite spot. She instantly materializes a sketchbook, a pencil, and a textbook to hide it. Drawing in class is allowed, but the teachers don't like...
Read Full Chapter
on November 27, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 asked a question

got grounded.. btw what should be made for the next quiz? Hey so I got grounded for jus...
on November 27, 2020

hey im not sure if anyone actually reads my wall, but if you are can you do a favour? My friend TeaCup39 just made the first chapter of her new story, and it would be nice if you could check it out. its not too long and im sure youll enjoy it. after all, its about puppies. :3

can i eat the puppies?
on May 25, 2021

on November 30, 2020

on November 30, 2020

@Suzuki sure!
on November 30, 2020

Ooh, can you share the link with us?
on November 30, 2020
on November 27, 2020

can you make it so that you can write links in quizzes for songs and stuff?
on November 26, 2020

created a

How close are you with your Friend?
on November 26, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 asked a question
If I was suicidal, depressed, and just so full of problems... what would you do? The ti...
on November 26, 2020

I used to be a strong person. I used to know nothing and noone will change how i act, think, talk, walk, and look. I used to know nothing could hurt me as long as i stayed strong. that was in grade 4. ill just give you a run down..
4= meets a boy that soon becomes best friend
5= starts to get bullied. ignores bullies
6= boy leaves and moves away without telling. starts to listen to bullies. gets bullied in front of friends, they glance but do nothing or dont notice
7= bullying See More gets worse. gets judged by the one major flaw i believe i have on my face.. my nose. falls into depression.
8= gives friends boyfriends/girlfriends. they slowly stop talking to me. bullying stops, but a few of my friends start bullying me without realising it. I help them with their problems, i keep their secrets. even though they wouldnt keep mine. lost emotions, and everything seems grey. quiet evertime i get insulted.
9= covid happened. suddenly most of my stress was gone. slowly regained emotions and slowly fell out of depression over 5 months.
4= meets a boy that soon becomes best friend
5= starts to get bullied. ignores bullies
6= boy leaves and moves away without telling. starts to listen to bullies. gets bullied in front of friends, they glance but do nothing or dont notice
7= bullying See More gets worse. gets judged by the one major flaw i believe i have on my face.. my nose. falls into depression.
8= gives friends boyfriends/girlfriends. they slowly stop talking to me. bullying stops, but a few of my friends start bullying me without realising it. I help them with their problems, i keep their secrets. even though they wouldnt keep mine. lost emotions, and everything seems grey. quiet evertime i get insulted.
9= covid happened. suddenly most of my stress was gone. slowly regained emotions and slowly fell out of depression over 5 months.
on November 25, 2020

For years my self esteem and emotions have been knocked down slowly and surely, more and more, until last year i was completely emotionless, suicidal, and had self diagnosed severe depression. I got out of it with only one thought "i need to stay so i can keep helping people, even though they would never help me. i dont want them to think i died for no reason. i want them to know why i chose to die" but i didnt die. cause noone knew i was depressed
I am no longer depressed. but See More thats mostly cause i lost a lot of stress. But if covids over, i go to school, and the same shit starts happening..
I am no longer depressed. but See More thats mostly cause i lost a lot of stress. But if covids over, i go to school, and the same shit starts happening..
on November 25, 2020