Okay so I'm gonna do a draw
And if yall want
I'll draw your characters in it-
So like
Comment your characters and ill draw them--
And if yall want
I'll draw your characters in it-
So like
Comment your characters and ill draw them--

https://www.qfeast.com/Personwhoisawesome/profile/photo/wp5S1D Her hat is black with a green shamrock and her fur and hair is white.Her bracelets are yellow and her jacket is black.Her shirt is turquoise.Hope this will help!
on April 12, 2018

@Dowogami_Is_In_Love can you comment a link of what they look like? or describe it?
on April 12, 2018
on April 12, 2018

Hey you know whats annoying??
When people clog my feed by spamming a page literally 0 people look at.
Calm down yall
When people clog my feed by spamming a page literally 0 people look at.
Calm down yall
on April 12, 2018

Okay I'm back after that disagreement with a certain user
While I won't apologise for the argument in itself, I apologise for being so damn annoying.
While I won't apologise for the argument in itself, I apologise for being so damn annoying.
on April 12, 2018

In a little bit I'll unblock that one rlly nice girl but rn I'm afraid ill say something mean to them
on April 05, 2018

Actually I'm going to block everyone I find annoying or triggering on here brb
on April 05, 2018

Yeah, i only followed you so I could comment on your picture
S e l f h a r m i s n ' t f u n n y
S e l f h a r m i s n ' t f u n n y
on April 05, 2018

Haha they fúcking blocked me bc I told them selfharm isn't funny
Yet somehow I'm the piece of shit???
Yet somehow I'm the piece of shit???

I don't wanna get into this
This argument that your trying to win
Your trying to win
And be the good one See More
I'm not going to unfollow you
Because people like you get a say in this too
So just remeber
you trying to win
isn't helping some of us
I don't wanna get into this
This argument that your trying to win
Your trying to win
And be the good one See More
I'm not going to unfollow you
Because people like you get a say in this too
So just remeber
you trying to win
isn't helping some of us
on April 05, 2018

Oh yes
Posting about it is definitely not a cry for attention-
I apologise that you have decided to harm yourself
But the only way you will ever receive help is of you seek it
Not posting about it on the internet to several preteens to see and think its "cool" See More
Because it really fuckiing isn't
Do you know how many people I used to know have died, because it all started out with self harm?
No. You don't.
You don't know anyone who's seen your picture
All you see are words
Think before you post.
Posting about it is definitely not a cry for attention-
I apologise that you have decided to harm yourself
But the only way you will ever receive help is of you seek it
Not posting about it on the internet to several preteens to see and think its "cool" See More
Because it really fuckiing isn't
Do you know how many people I used to know have died, because it all started out with self harm?
No. You don't.
You don't know anyone who's seen your picture
All you see are words
Think before you post.
on April 05, 2018

I don't wanna get into this.
I know that that sorta stuff is wrong to post, but it makes other people feel wrong not to post it.
They want to, but get salted all over from people like you.
They want to feel happy by posting that stuff.
It's what makes them feel happy. See More
But it's fine if you don't like it...
I'll tell her to stop
I know that that sorta stuff is wrong to post, but it makes other people feel wrong not to post it.
They want to, but get salted all over from people like you.
They want to feel happy by posting that stuff.
It's what makes them feel happy. See More
But it's fine if you don't like it...
I'll tell her to stop
on April 05, 2018

That’s not the best way to get help, and showing any pride leads to people think you’re doing it for attention.
You tell someone. Not show it “with pride” because that can cause someone to relapse.
We aren’t saying hide it, just get help properly.
You tell someone. Not show it “with pride” because that can cause someone to relapse.
We aren’t saying hide it, just get help properly.
on April 05, 2018

I'm not trying to glorify it, I just wanted to say what I felt was right. Self harm a battle with yourself, and if you lost... you can win getting help, or letting it heal. I have done it myself, so I know what it's like. If you wear your scars with pride, people will help. If you hide it, it might lead to scuicide. If you wear it TOO proud, then people might See More think you do it for attention. I wear my scars with pride, but not for attention.
on April 05, 2018
on April 05, 2018

Hey yeah do my a favour and don't POST PICTURES OF SELF HARM yeah thanks
on April 05, 2018

Okay me saying that "dating on the internet is foolish" is highkey hypocritical of me, considering I'm dating Alix
But I've known him for a solid three years??
Some of yall deadass just met and youre like "I think I love you"
That road is going to lead to tears and heartbreak
You don't know them that well
Not to mention people aren't the same on the internet as they are in person
Overall, dating while you're younger isn't the best choice, but if you feel its right, go for See More it
I'm not going to try to control your life
You do you
But I've known him for a solid three years??
Some of yall deadass just met and youre like "I think I love you"
That road is going to lead to tears and heartbreak
You don't know them that well
Not to mention people aren't the same on the internet as they are in person
Overall, dating while you're younger isn't the best choice, but if you feel its right, go for See More it
I'm not going to try to control your life
You do you
on April 04, 2018

What are 11 year olds doing on the internet unsupervised??
Why are they dating strangers?
Why are they dating in general?????
Jeez yall when I was eleven, I read a book
Try it sometime, maybe you'll stop making a fool of yourself.
Why are they dating strangers?
Why are they dating in general?????
Jeez yall when I was eleven, I read a book
Try it sometime, maybe you'll stop making a fool of yourself.

They think it's true love when really isn't if they know eachother irl and they talk on here that makes sense but saying I'm dating this person on the Internet is just stupid you never if the person is dating someone without you knowing and you might not know if they are a creepy man stalking
on April 04, 2018

on April 04, 2018
on April 04, 2018

Ew I'm back here again
Mostly to lurk
But I also want to wallow in my emotions and what better place than this cesspool of a site??
Mostly to lurk
But I also want to wallow in my emotions and what better place than this cesspool of a site??
on April 03, 2018

on April 01, 2018

Okay my favourite character from fire emblem echoes so far is prob Kamui
He's the type to scream when he sees a lizard because he thought it was a dragon.
He's the type to scream when he sees a lizard because he thought it was a dragon.
on March 31, 2018