EgcToonsYT or whatever it was- for your information I picked dogs. Just had to voice that because you blocked me and I can’t vote ?

I felt that ?
on April 26, 2020
on April 26, 2020

Can I please stop getting adverts for a webtoon about a dog/werewolf in a relationship with his owner ???
on April 26, 2020

HI3: ‘Next S drop in 25 supply drops’
Me: *begs for it not to be Dimension Breaker*
HI3: *gives me Dimension breaker*
Me: *begs for it not to be Dimension Breaker*
HI3: *gives me Dimension breaker*
on April 26, 2020

Wow I actually made a nice page. Good on me.
on April 23, 2020

its so sad how my most taken quizzes are 'what is your quirk' and 'what does jeff the killer think of you'
on April 23, 2020

https://youtu.be/Cb3ggoyqXmU like honestly how is it so good

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Season 1, Version 1 Opening Theme
Watch full episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters at Yugioh.com.
on April 22, 2020

Yu-gi-oh! honestly has one of the best openings and i'm glad I decided to re-watch it.

on April 22, 2020
on April 22, 2020

Man I met some Kirito stans and they just roasted me to the absolute oblivion

Yeah there’s a shit ton apparently because they were all flying in to protect their lord and saviour Kirito ?
on April 22, 2020

on April 21, 2020
on April 20, 2020

i have absolutely no opinion on u
on April 19, 2020

Just saw the most butt hurt Bakugou Stan I’ve ever seen in my life lol. Like the dude straight up disliked the battle because the bloke lost and whined how it was unfair and inaccurate. Even when I was a fan of that absolute mess of a shit show I never got THAT pissy ?
on April 18, 2020