Niné (Pronounce- Nin-ay)
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Comments (22)

on April 18, 2013

Haha, the background is my bro. :) He was sleeping. And IKR, Keara is like, totally adorable! :)
on April 03, 2013

on April 03, 2013

So, I'm confused : / Sorry, it's because you said they weren't cross breeds, but then you said Kipper LOOKS like a real Husky, as in he was a cross breed.
Sorry. I should stop commenting....
Sorry. I should stop commenting....
on April 01, 2013

Thanks Liffey. No, she is not a cross breed, they are other puppies. Her brother Kipper looks like a real husky though.
on March 31, 2013

Awwww!!!!!! She's so adorsble!!!!:D And she has the bluest eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
on March 31, 2013