on June 09, 2019

New bio.
on May 18, 2019

I saw a post of all the horrible things Republicans said about rape, and I found myself laughing until I realized that these are real people who have been voted into office who actually think this way.
on May 18, 2019

on May 07, 2019

So, we can all agree that Lindsey is really hot, really cute, and really sexy, but her boobs are still mosquito bites.
on May 07, 2019

Exposing Lindsey Part II and III:
Lindsey used to take my car out of the garage without my permission. She would then get angry when I told her I didn't want her to drive my car by herself. She was 15.
Last year, Lindsey started spewing pro-life rhetoric in her mathematics class for the sole purpose of starting a fight. She was, and still is, extremely pro-choice. Still, she knew she could set people off, so that's exactly what she did. She hasn't lived it down to this day. She See More isn't ashamed of it either.
Lindsey used to take my car out of the garage without my permission. She would then get angry when I told her I didn't want her to drive my car by herself. She was 15.
Last year, Lindsey started spewing pro-life rhetoric in her mathematics class for the sole purpose of starting a fight. She was, and still is, extremely pro-choice. Still, she knew she could set people off, so that's exactly what she did. She hasn't lived it down to this day. She See More isn't ashamed of it either.

Frankie being a dumb bitch was not an emergency. And yes, it was very funny. That still does not change the fact that it wasn't the smartest thing you've ever done.
on April 27, 2019

on April 27, 2019
on April 27, 2019

Exposing Lindsey Part I:
Chapter 10 (I'm pretty sure it's chapter 10) in The Author of This Book is Probably a Sadist is really just a long, bitter, hyperbolic rant about me.
Chapter 10 (I'm pretty sure it's chapter 10) in The Author of This Book is Probably a Sadist is really just a long, bitter, hyperbolic rant about me.
on April 26, 2019

Freebie: Lindsey is very, very, very cute. If you don't think she's cute, I'm sending you to the gulag.
on April 26, 2019

Like this post, and I'll expose something about Lindsey.
on April 26, 2019

How Well Do Your Followers Know You?
Lindsey, do this last.
First name:
Sexual Orientation:
Nationality: See More
Relationship status:
Random fact:
Lindsey, do this last.
First name:
Sexual Orientation:
Nationality: See More
Relationship status:
Random fact:

@MarichatPuns I DATED A MAN /ONE/ TIME FOR /ONE/ WEEK WHEN I WAS /THIRTEEN/. I am straighter than a board. The rest is right, although I wouldn't say I "loathe" anything about her. I just get protective. I do also have many nicknames (thanks, Linds).
on April 26, 2019

I just saw this and saw that Lindsey (I already know that she's obviously gonna do better than this at me) answered it but I scrolled quick af so I didn't see anything but "James" Lmao so I'm doing this
Yeah, so, idk
Straight, but was in a gay relationship once? See More
Canadian (?)
*Technically* Lindsey sorta complicated but from what I know you ain't with no one else aside from her
Likes: Hmm, you seem to talk about basketball somewhat enthusiastically and sports in general so I'm gonna day sports.
Dislikes: You don't seem very fond of smoking.
Random fact: You simultaneously somehow admire Lindsey probably more than anybody else while loathing her actions just as much as you admire her.
Yeah, so, idk
Straight, but was in a gay relationship once? See More
Canadian (?)
*Technically* Lindsey sorta complicated but from what I know you ain't with no one else aside from her
Likes: Hmm, you seem to talk about basketball somewhat enthusiastically and sports in general so I'm gonna day sports.
Dislikes: You don't seem very fond of smoking.
Random fact: You simultaneously somehow admire Lindsey probably more than anybody else while loathing her actions just as much as you admire her.
on April 26, 2019

It's been over 15 minutes so I'm doing this
First name: James
Nickname: Jam, Blackberry, Jim, Jimmy, Famous-Jamous, Jameth, Japeth, and Jom
Gender: Toxic masculinity
Sexual Orientation: You're convinced you're straight but I'm convinced you're like 1% gay See More
Nationality: Canadian
Relationship status: Me bitch
Likes: Basketball, hockey, rugby, soccer, Addidas, politics, philosophy, discussing religion, really big dogs, being a dickhead for no reason, gushing over long-dead scientists, and being superior to everyone around in you every way possible.
Dislikes: The majority of my friends lol. Also smoking really pisses you off.
Random fact: It's actually obnoxious how much money you have access to just because your family doesn't know what else to do with it
First name: James
Nickname: Jam, Blackberry, Jim, Jimmy, Famous-Jamous, Jameth, Japeth, and Jom
Gender: Toxic masculinity
Sexual Orientation: You're convinced you're straight but I'm convinced you're like 1% gay See More
Nationality: Canadian
Relationship status: Me bitch
Likes: Basketball, hockey, rugby, soccer, Addidas, politics, philosophy, discussing religion, really big dogs, being a dickhead for no reason, gushing over long-dead scientists, and being superior to everyone around in you every way possible.
Dislikes: The majority of my friends lol. Also smoking really pisses you off.
Random fact: It's actually obnoxious how much money you have access to just because your family doesn't know what else to do with it
on April 26, 2019
on April 26, 2019