So, is there a new hater then?

on April 28, 2013

The RBRs will take her down...xD
on April 20, 2013

on April 14, 2013

Okay! No one messes with the RBRs!
on April 13, 2013

Back2humans lets kick her but like we did that one year ago
on April 13, 2013
on April 04, 2013

HermioneSJM has told us that a user called MariaJohnson52 is a hater. Sread the word!
on April 04, 2013

Woah. 100 followers. I... I can't thank you guys enough. Thanks for this, and thanks for all the support. I caught who was 100th and that was QuizCobra. Thanks bro, but thanks to everyone for being there for me!
on April 03, 2013

Long time no see! I'm back guys, and with another video from MrWeebl!

Weebl Musicator here: http://bit.ly/IRgyUM by http://www.weebls-stuff.com Animated by Wonchop Song By Weebl
on March 26, 2013

on March 10, 2013

Sorry bros for not updating in YEARS. I've been choosing my options for next year in school. Since I'm not sure if you do that in America, I've been choosing which subjects I'm taking for the next two years for my GCSEs to get the best grades. I've taken History, Geography and Music (with Music tech as a reserve). Hope you aren't all dying from the fact I've not been here :D

Yeah, we do. I've just had so much on recently (and I've been being lazy) so I've not been on much.
on April 20, 2013

I do come on here everyday, it's just I don't have an awful lot of time to spend talking to people. I'm always free on weekends.
on March 16, 2013
on March 08, 2013

on March 08, 2013

hey, ok here ihow i c it. tell me if im wrong, i luv 1d u hate them. ok? so we both want 2 b excepted 4 our opions, right? we also have been going through hard times? well now here is how i think we should fix this, we talk get 2 no eachother, and when we learn 1 hates something and the other luvs it, say okay cool and move on! maybe sooner or later well meet in the middle and from a friendship, wat do u say?!
on February 27, 2013

I hate the fact I have to say this, but can I just say that I'm actually allowed to have my own opinions! I do not have to have your opinions on everything! If I dislike One Direction, it's my decision! I am not a person who will make everyone follow my opinions, so please don't try to convince me that I have to like everything you do. I'm allowed my own opinions and so are all of you guys. Do not have a go at me just because I don't like something that you do! I'm saying this See More to leprechuan24 mostly who seems to think after all the time it took me to get people off my back that I can't have a different opinion from her, but this is also to anyone who wishes to mess with my head. Do not get on my bad side, seriously.
on February 23, 2013

I don't know about you, but I think this is the best Minecraft song EVER!

I CAN SWING MY SWORD! (Minecraft Song)
Get the song on itunes! http://bit.ly/SWING_MY_SWORD_by_Toby TOBUSCUS Zip Hoodies! (FREE Slap Bracelet with zip hoodie purchase!) http://tobuscus.spreadshirt...

on February 22, 2013

on February 22, 2013
omg my bro is going to love this because he looked at it on youtube and now it is on this youtube
on February 21, 2013
on February 10, 2013

A new official ASDF movie has been released! EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP!

ass-duff-moo-vee-sicks Get the song! http://bit.ly/asdf6song Shirts! http://bit.ly/asdfshirts (more links below!) Ben 'Wonchop' Smallman (animator): http://y...

I love that one! Me and my bff were calling him lawrence for a while, and when we saw the video again, we still kept it as Lawrence : D
on February 23, 2013

on February 19, 2013
on February 09, 2013

Hey Alice! (If that's your name!) Look at my wall! I have a video of queen singing live!
on February 06, 2013

Pewds (PewDiePie) has just uploaded a new video and it looks like it's the start of a series :D
There it is! *brofist*
There it is! *brofist*
on February 02, 2013

What's your favourite Youtube video? (put the link to it below if you want everyone to see it)

My favourite videos are videos made by Mike Chonny. He's so funny, sorry though i don't have the link
on February 01, 2013
on February 01, 2013

Who's your favourite Youtubers?
on February 21, 2013

I totally agree ^^
I love PewDiePie, Tobuscus, ChaoticMonki (Cry), Markiplier and Yamimash when it comes to gaming. For Minecraft, I watch SkyDoesMinecraft and for generally funny videos I watch danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil
I love PewDiePie, Tobuscus, ChaoticMonki (Cry), Markiplier and Yamimash when it comes to gaming. For Minecraft, I watch SkyDoesMinecraft and for generally funny videos I watch danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil
on February 05, 2013
on February 01, 2013