To Andreas/Andy: Do you mind having to buy groceries for your roommates?

Andreas raises an eyebrow at the voice, but dismissed it quickly, liking the fact he had an audience. “Hello there! Ohh, I don’t mind on the first round! This is just to tide us over for the next day or so- look! I’ve got tea, coffee, milk, bread, jam. The essentials. Though next week someone else is buying!”
on November 04, 2019
on November 03, 2019

After Dessa finishes cleaning her room and unpacking, she stands back to admire her now respectable. Thank you for your questions, she hads to the kitchen to have a glass of water, until the front door is kicked in.
"HELLOOOOOO NEW ROOMMATES!" A ginger boy bellowed, hands filled with paperbags. After recovering from choking, Dessa waved.
"Hello! Andreas I assume?" He did a mock gasped, swining the front door closed with his foot.
"Did you not see the picture I posted? Call me See More Andy."
"You got it Andy." 'Andy' comes and dumps his paper bags on the counter and starts filling the fridge.
Dessa and Andreas are now avalible for questions.
"HELLOOOOOO NEW ROOMMATES!" A ginger boy bellowed, hands filled with paperbags. After recovering from choking, Dessa waved.
"Hello! Andreas I assume?" He did a mock gasped, swining the front door closed with his foot.
"Did you not see the picture I posted? Call me See More Andy."
"You got it Andy." 'Andy' comes and dumps his paper bags on the counter and starts filling the fridge.
Dessa and Andreas are now avalible for questions.
on November 03, 2019

To Dessa:
Do you think it'll be strange living with 3 other people?
Do you think it'll be strange living with 3 other people?

She meets your gaze and greets you with a little wave. “Hrm. Possibly! I guess I never really thought about that...before this I just lived with my mums, and little Ellie! But I’ve got a feeling this may be different.”
on October 29, 2019
on October 29, 2019

12/9/19 2:00pm
Dessa knocks on the big brown door of Apartment 3. She has been so excited over the past month to meet her new roommates. She had never lived on her own before. She lived upstairs in the florest her parents run, but when she was hired at Steam Bean, the coffee shop a city down, she knew she had to move closer to cut costs on train tickets. Her mums agreed and thus she was here, at Apartment 3's door, just around the corner from the Steam Bean. Dessa hears the click See More of the lock before the door is open, revealing a boy with deep blue eyes. Dessa squints at him for a moment before her lips form a delicate 'oh'.
"You must be Conroy!" She greets. She stepped forwards and wrapped her arms around the tall man, who instantly tenses in her arms. She releases him and giggles. "I'm Dessa, I believe I have room 2?"
"Dessa." Conroy blinks at her before shutting the novel he must have been previously reading. "Yes. Dessa. You may come in." He steps aside and lets the dark haired girl wonder in, dragging her little pink suitcase along with her. "I'm afraid I cannot show you a tour of the place as I find myself to be very busy at the moment." Dessa shakes her head.
"Daw, don't worry yourself! I know you must also be getting settled too, what time did you arrive?"
"Exactly noon." Conroy glances at his watch. "I'm surprised no one else has arrived prior to you, in all honesty."
"So it is just us then?"
"Ah, no, Dessa." He pushes his novel against his chest and nods. "I'm going to be in my room for a while, hrm, unpacking. I suggest you do the same." He takes long strides towards his room before giving Dessa one last passing glance. "Lovely meeting you." His door closed. Dessa breathes a weary sigh,but brightens up again.
"Well, he seems nice? Do you think so?" She asks you. The reader. She waves politely. "I'm guessing you already know my name, but I'm so happy to meet you all!" She finds her room and guides her suitcase across to it. "How is everyone doing? Haveyou drank any water in the past hour?Have you eaten yet? I've brought a few snacks and teabags to tide me over until my other flatmates arrive- would anyone of you like a cup of tea?" She sets her suitcase on her bed and breathes in the new air. She coughs. "Oops! Guess this place needs needs a little dusting...oh well, no time like the present!" She opens her case and lifts out a cloth and some spray. "Please feel free to chat with me while in cleaning up my room, it may drag a little less. Oh- I'd so love toget to know you all- ask away!"
Dessa knocks on the big brown door of Apartment 3. She has been so excited over the past month to meet her new roommates. She had never lived on her own before. She lived upstairs in the florest her parents run, but when she was hired at Steam Bean, the coffee shop a city down, she knew she had to move closer to cut costs on train tickets. Her mums agreed and thus she was here, at Apartment 3's door, just around the corner from the Steam Bean. Dessa hears the click See More of the lock before the door is open, revealing a boy with deep blue eyes. Dessa squints at him for a moment before her lips form a delicate 'oh'.
"You must be Conroy!" She greets. She stepped forwards and wrapped her arms around the tall man, who instantly tenses in her arms. She releases him and giggles. "I'm Dessa, I believe I have room 2?"
"Dessa." Conroy blinks at her before shutting the novel he must have been previously reading. "Yes. Dessa. You may come in." He steps aside and lets the dark haired girl wonder in, dragging her little pink suitcase along with her. "I'm afraid I cannot show you a tour of the place as I find myself to be very busy at the moment." Dessa shakes her head.
"Daw, don't worry yourself! I know you must also be getting settled too, what time did you arrive?"
"Exactly noon." Conroy glances at his watch. "I'm surprised no one else has arrived prior to you, in all honesty."
"So it is just us then?"
"Ah, no, Dessa." He pushes his novel against his chest and nods. "I'm going to be in my room for a while, hrm, unpacking. I suggest you do the same." He takes long strides towards his room before giving Dessa one last passing glance. "Lovely meeting you." His door closed. Dessa breathes a weary sigh,but brightens up again.
"Well, he seems nice? Do you think so?" She asks you. The reader. She waves politely. "I'm guessing you already know my name, but I'm so happy to meet you all!" She finds her room and guides her suitcase across to it. "How is everyone doing? Haveyou drank any water in the past hour?Have you eaten yet? I've brought a few snacks and teabags to tide me over until my other flatmates arrive- would anyone of you like a cup of tea?" She sets her suitcase on her bed and breathes in the new air. She coughs. "Oops! Guess this place needs needs a little dusting...oh well, no time like the present!" She opens her case and lifts out a cloth and some spray. "Please feel free to chat with me while in cleaning up my room, it may drag a little less. Oh- I'd so love toget to know you all- ask away!"
on October 29, 2019