Angry_German_Kid's Starred Questions - Page 2
Angry_German_Kid has 41 starred questions
Why do you think you cry?
I cry when I'm sad and when I feel defenseless.Like you know ...
Who's you favorite warrior cat?
Who's your favorite warrior my personal favorite is ...
Do you get annoyed when...?
When people read your stories but suddenly stop when you've...
what do you think of humans?
If you could do anything in the world right now, what would it be?
What is the Stupidest Thing you have Ever Heard/Seen/Done?
has someone ever said, done,...
Who are your favorite youtubers? C:
My favorite youtubers are EntoanThePack, Grav3yardg...
What is your ideal world?
you can be as creative as you want! If you were to have your ...
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
if you could make a weird version of yourself what wound it be?
Remember the name has ...
Annime Qffeaster Awards! Suggest the titles here!
[NOTE: I put 2 letters in for a reaso...
What is your favorite dog breed?
Mine is a foxhound lab mix! (Duh.. thats what breed I ...
Scariest/weirdest memory/event(s) that's happened to you,family,or a friend that's 100%...
What is your least favourite animal?
What is your least favourite animal? Please no off...
If you had the chance to say anything to Pepe the frog, what would you say to him? o.o
What would happen in a world were you didn`t exist?
Basically, what would happen in the...
Eternal Life - Do you want it?
If somebody could offer you Eternal Life, only for your ...
Are you a good muliti-tasker?
As I write this I'm trying on clothes for school.
How do you deal with anger/sadness?
I listen to music or read or take deep breaths
What is your reason for living
Random question ~ Mine is for the music I play