Spoiler: There might be a FNaF 5 coming up.

The Sister Location
on April 30, 2016

Oh yeah, I forgot what it was called.
on November 21, 2015
on November 21, 2015

Angela_Bunny added a story to the favorite list

stupid things you should never attempt
on November 21, 2015

Anyone rp?
Aria: *sitting under tree, keeping Lucy close and a knife hidden in her jacket in case the doctors try to take Lucy away from her, which will drive her insane.*
Aria: *sitting under tree, keeping Lucy close and a knife hidden in her jacket in case the doctors try to take Lucy away from her, which will drive her insane.*

on November 22, 2015
on November 21, 2015

Note: This is for all of my followers here . . . Thank you so much for being awesome friends and caring people, you all are great friends to have and we need more people like you guys in this world so bad. Thank you again for being there for me, you all are the reason that keeps me going. ~@Angela_Bunny
on November 21, 2015

Angela_Bunny added a photo to the starred list
I'm actually a Gemini, a cuddle addict. What are you?

on November 21, 2015

Why?! My news feed is being over filled by Snakeninja's starred photo's!!! DX This is sooooo not funny guys!!!!
on November 21, 2015

What do you want to know about me?
1. Color hair?
2. Favorite color?
3. Crush?
4. Take or single?
5. Hyper or calm?
6. Singing or running? See More
7. Am You a cuddler or a hugger?
8. Weird or normal?
9. Fun or boring?
10: dream place to go?
11: where you like to go if you ever went on a date?
12: comment if you want to know anything else that's not on the list
Stolen from vixey_the_hegehog
1. Color hair?
2. Favorite color?
3. Crush?
4. Take or single?
5. Hyper or calm?
6. Singing or running? See More
7. Am You a cuddler or a hugger?
8. Weird or normal?
9. Fun or boring?
10: dream place to go?
11: where you like to go if you ever went on a date?
12: comment if you want to know anything else that's not on the list
Stolen from vixey_the_hegehog

@vixey_the_hegehog Got no crush.
@frankiero Mostly calm, but if I eat too much candy, then I'm hyper. A bit weird, but mostly normal. Running. I'm more of a hugger.
@AttackOnTitanLover Running
@frankiero Mostly calm, but if I eat too much candy, then I'm hyper. A bit weird, but mostly normal. Running. I'm more of a hugger.
@AttackOnTitanLover Running
on November 21, 2015
on November 21, 2015