Okay, I'm not leaving, but I'm still a bit shaken of what happened last night . . . *shivers.*
on November 20, 2015

I gotta go to bed guys, good night . . .
on November 20, 2015

I can't stop shaking guys . . . Man I must be really terrified . . .

on November 20, 2015
on November 20, 2015

DX My dad just called on the phone . . . We didn't answer it, but we put my siblings to go watch tv while me and my mom listened to the message . . . ohgodohgodohgodohgooooooood, I'M SO TERRIFIED NOW MY NIGHTMARE'S ARE LIKE COMING ALIVE!!!

DX My dad said he is coming to get us, since he is a mexican, take us back to mexico, kill my mom, take me and my siblings away, I can go kill myself if I don't want to go with him. OHGODI'MSOTERRFIEDIDON'TWANNADIE!!! DX
on November 20, 2015
on November 20, 2015

I'm not in a good mood guys . . . So I just want to be left alone . . .

*shakes.* He has been scaring me and my family to come back here, I'm way to scared, I don't want to go to Mexico with my father!!! :((
on November 20, 2015

Im so sorry about that I wish I could go downn there punch him in his dong and feed him his own nuts (sorry I get defense whenn a friend is scared
on November 20, 2015

DX I am having a very bad time with my father . . . He's trying to come back to me and my family and I'm scared and angry about this . . .
on November 20, 2015
on November 20, 2015

For some odd reason . . . I'm in the mood to just give out hugs to everyone.

*hugs back.* It's okay, I got scared too . . . But I really don't show my feelings much though to other people . . .
on November 20, 2015
on November 20, 2015

on November 20, 2015

on November 20, 2015

MMD Creepypasta:InSaNiTy
this is for my comic Creepypasta:Insanity these are the charcters in the video and who they belong to: Jeff The Killer~Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Model~The ...
on November 20, 2015

Angela_Bunny added a photo to the starred list
give it back i can't beleve you traded it in with this crap

on November 20, 2015

on November 20, 2015

Dear @everyone
What I want for Christmas is . . .
. See More
All of you to be there for me . . .
What I want for Christmas is . . .
. See More
All of you to be there for me . . .
on November 19, 2015
*hugs back.*