Men dream. But dreams hold no value here. What was first the bright light of hope is turned into a long night of captivity. Lost in the dark, we surrender our mind and forget who we are. But some of us have woken up. They remind us that we all have a choice; to stand, not kneel. To oppose, not obey. To live or just exist.
on April 18, 2017

I long for the days when men turn away from invisible monsters and once more embrace a more rational view of the world. But these new religions are so convenient and promise such terrible punishments should one reject them, I worry that fear shall keep us stuck to what is surely the greatest lie ever told.

Actually, my god forgives me no matter what tf i do. Although i do see where youre coming from. If people didnt shove their religion down people's throat, they might actually get more followers.
But at the same time, religion offers hope. Remember that, ok?
But at the same time, religion offers hope. Remember that, ok?
on April 18, 2017
on April 18, 2017

on April 17, 2017

on April 06, 2017

Undertale - A New Beginning - Part 3
Hey guys in this story The undertale cast and I have left the underground and we're now living on the surface and have started our new lives and Toriel and I have a little something unexpected.
on April 06, 2017

Undertale - A New Beginning - Part 2
Hey this is my second story to an ongoing series call Undertale A New Beginning. Please leave comments so I know if you guys like the series and if I should keep making more but even still I hope you guys enjoy.
on April 06, 2017

Undertale - A New Beginning
Hey guys this is my first story and it's somewhat a crossover from assassin's creed and the main character is my oc and he is an assassin furry and i hope i don't offend any undertale fans because i haven't played the game so don't leave hate comments and i hope you guys enjoy
on April 06, 2017

hey guys I wrote three stories already and I want to share them with everyone
on April 06, 2017

who said "I watched them fight and die, in the name of liberty and justice, but for who?"
on March 31, 2017
That deep