Alex_CookieCat48's Starred Polls
Alex_CookieCat48 has 22 starred polls
How many followers do you have? (1)
The Big Bang Theory who is better?

Grumpy Cat VS Nyan Cat VS Cookie Cat
Who would be better?

Do you think it is weird how people make polls asking if you will date them?

what video game character do u like outa these

What song should Ezra's Theme sing be?

Which sonic boy is hotter?

I am a child and I am attempting to open a bakery. Thoughts?
Which is better? (28)

Which CMC voice actress is your favorite?

Are you currently in a relationship?

Sonic vs Rainbowdash Speed Test
Which Sonic couple do you like best?

How do you deal with annoying siblings?

Fav stalker character?

Cadence best dress style

which Belgium ship is better?

cupcakes hd vs smile hd