So I have more Mobians I will attempt to draw.. Horray for imagination.. *Happy yet sad sobbing*
Gillen the Lunar Wolf
Inezia the Coracias Garrulus (European Roller)
Darragh the Fawn
Demil the Demonic Cat
Gillen the Lunar Wolf
Inezia the Coracias Garrulus (European Roller)
Darragh the Fawn
Demil the Demonic Cat

It is fine. I had to leave as well for a mundane class of Spanish. That is my excuse for my absence.
on April 23, 2015

Yea, sorry I'm on here now, my class ended so I'm back to one account ;7;
on April 23, 2015

Oh! But besides it being the hardest task of making the drawing, wouldn't coloring be enjoyable?
on April 23, 2015

Yea but coloring them is what takes the longest, the only hard part too for me.
on April 23, 2015

Wouldn't that be fun?
on April 23, 2015
on April 23, 2015

That one person when you see their art you just look at yours and cry-.
Why, Revery, why? Why are you so amazing? Rub your art magic onto me. ;~;
Why, Revery, why? Why are you so amazing? Rub your art magic onto me. ;~;
on April 20, 2015

Nero e blu- CFO$ WWE SmackDown
Nero e blu striscio lungo
Il relitto di quello che ora non c'è più
Indietro da te
Per combattere un altro giorno
Vado avanti e avanti e avanti e avanti
Sto affrontando un demone dentro See More
creata con ogni ultima parte di me
La loro retribuzione inizierà
Nero e blu striscio lungo
Il relitto di quello che ora non c'è più
Indietro da te
Per combattere un altro giorno
Vado avanti e avanti e avanti e avanti
Sto affrontando un demone dentro See More
creata con ogni ultima parte di me
La loro retribuzione inizierà
on April 20, 2015

Still that urge to RP something but don't know who with.. I have mobian and human versions of him but all together he is a Creepypasta OC-. *Whines, can't socialize well*
on April 20, 2015

Sure, he may seem OP by a list but the moment his story is made hopefully everything would be straightened out... I don't want him to seem bad, just figured I'd list how he has phased through life... *Sighs, is creative but must use stories to explain it all*
on April 14, 2015

So I made a random list of Marcio's mental issues, some he had before and are minor now and some he has been recently developing due to a incident. I will be making a story about it eventually so if you don't exactly understand how he has these issues then the story may help... It will take quite a bit because I must start when his family was together right before his father left him... Now his mobian side, I don't know exactly how to build him up but I will somehow, just give See More me time but here is the list of some of his health problems..~
-Acute Stress Disorder
-Attachment Disorder
-Avoidant Personality Disorder
-Borderline Personality Disorder
-Conduct Disorder
-Dependent Personality Disorder
-Depersonalization Disorder
-Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
-Dissociative Amnesia
-Dissociative Fugue
-Dissociative Identity Disorder
-Gender Dysphoria
-Histrionic Personality Disorder
-Insomnia Disorder
-Intermittent Explosive Disorder
-Intrinsic locus of motives
-Mephisto Syndrome
-Narcissistic Personality Disorder
-Nightmare Disorder
-Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
-Oppositional Defiant Disorder
-Paranoid Personality Disorder
-Schizoaffective Disorder
-Schizoid Personality Disorder
-Schizophreniform Disorder
-Schizotypal Personality Disorder
-Selective Mutism
-Separation Anxiety Disorder
-Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
-Stereotypic Movement Disorder
-Transient Tic Disorder
-Acute Stress Disorder
-Attachment Disorder
-Avoidant Personality Disorder
-Borderline Personality Disorder
-Conduct Disorder
-Dependent Personality Disorder
-Depersonalization Disorder
-Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
-Dissociative Amnesia
-Dissociative Fugue
-Dissociative Identity Disorder
-Gender Dysphoria
-Histrionic Personality Disorder
-Insomnia Disorder
-Intermittent Explosive Disorder
-Intrinsic locus of motives
-Mephisto Syndrome
-Narcissistic Personality Disorder
-Nightmare Disorder
-Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
-Oppositional Defiant Disorder
-Paranoid Personality Disorder
-Schizoaffective Disorder
-Schizoid Personality Disorder
-Schizophreniform Disorder
-Schizotypal Personality Disorder
-Selective Mutism
-Separation Anxiety Disorder
-Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
-Stereotypic Movement Disorder
-Transient Tic Disorder

Like I said, some disorders are gone but they are listed because he once had them. Once I start writing my story it will be easier to see how he acted and how he went thropugh many different phases to change through them all. Most of the disorders set now is the ones of him being forgetful of himself and being a bit murderous. Most of the social anxiety and wanting See More all the attention or insomiac is from his early child hood. But as said, this is just a list and everything will be explained eventually. So the list starts out big but starts to narrow down to a smaller amount.
on April 14, 2015

I'm sorry to say this, but how can one person have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many disorders?
You need to be careful, or people will think your OC may be... I wouldn't say OP, but... too... self-centred.
I'm sorry to say this, but how can one person have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many disorders?
You need to be careful, or people will think your OC may be... I wouldn't say OP, but... too... self-centred.
on April 14, 2015
on April 14, 2015

I have a thing for drawing Mobians now... I doubt anyone does but if they want me to do a random drawing of your character with Marcio, A.K.A. Proxy, but just comment and send a link for a picture of your character I can base off of... I just want to be random and friendly to try and brighten my mood, I swear... I am not a failure...
on April 14, 2015

What account name did you change? Or did you make a new one?

on April 14, 2015

I was thinking about doing so, you make me really want to- But I can't start today, our sub keeps getting onto me about work..
on April 14, 2015

He did have some, his father abandoned him then this woman got his mother put in jail because she was a drunk, but the woman who promised to adopt him suddenly changed her mind and tried to get rid of him but Marcio wouldn't leave her alone.. So he followed her to the point she almost shot him and got the cops on him. He ran away from the woman and the cops so See More he last ran into some woods and that was the last anyone has ever seen him, so he's still alive but no one know's tha he is.
on April 14, 2015
on April 13, 2015

I have no idea where to even begin.. Being a Mobian is so new and I get nervous so easily--.

Plus he's a creepy little kid because he is only ten after all and is so mentally unstable, but doesn't mean you can't work up onto his good side-.
on April 13, 2015

It's okay! When I first became an Möbian, I was really shy.... But they are really nice, so no need to worry!
on April 13, 2015
on April 13, 2015