AishiAyano added a story to the favorite list

Poems/ stories/ Songs about my life
on October 29, 2020

AishiAyano added a new chapter to Your Deepest Fears~

Ataxophobia- Fear of disorder or untidiness.
If you have this phobia..don´t come to my house, your gonna die...anyway-
I was walking home from the circus one day and saw a dark alley with light coming from the very back of it. Curiously, i walked to the end of it, the closer i got the more further it drifted away from me. Its Beauty was mesmerizing, i was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. The more i tried to touch the light, the more it burned. It´s beauty burned like fire but it kept pulling me to it somehow. When i finally realiz... Read Full Chapter
I was walking home from the circus one day and saw a dark alley with light coming from the very back of it. Curiously, i walked to the end of it, the closer i got the more further it drifted away from me. Its Beauty was mesmerizing, i was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. The more i tried to touch the light, the more it burned. It´s beauty burned like fire but it kept pulling me to it somehow. When i finally realiz... Read Full Chapter
on October 22, 2020

Can i be a spy?

@AishiAyano k
on October 28, 2020

@Jane_The_Killer1 its fine!
on October 28, 2020

@AishiAyano i know im the queen but wazzup decides the wht people can be and i respect that i wish i could say yes to u
on October 28, 2020

@Jane_The_Killer1 Okay ?
on October 28, 2020

ya i think u can be but i will let Wazzup decide
on October 28, 2020
on October 28, 2020

AishiAyano added a new chapter to Short Stories with a Twist...
Story 4: Change his Diaper
After 10 years, the wife starts to think that their child looks strange so she decided to do a DNA test. She finds out that the child is actually from completely different parents.
Wife: Hey babe, i have something to very serious to tell you.
Husband: Whats up?
Wife: According to the DNA test results, this is not our child.
Husband: Don´t you remember? When we were leaving the hospital we noticed the baby had wet his diapers and you said, ¨Please go change this baby, i will wait for you h... Read Full Chapter
Wife: Hey babe, i have something to very serious to tell you.
Husband: Whats up?
Wife: According to the DNA test results, this is not our child.
Husband: Don´t you remember? When we were leaving the hospital we noticed the baby had wet his diapers and you said, ¨Please go change this baby, i will wait for you h... Read Full Chapter
on October 26, 2020

AishiAyano added a new chapter to Two Sentence Horror Stories
Stories 36-40
i hum quietly rocking my 1 week old, kissing her forehead.
The doctors were wrong, i knew she´ll take her first breath soon.
A walk in the woods helps me relax and release tension.
The fact that i´m dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant.
Some say she was hanged,others say she was shot, and many more said she bled to death.
All i know is that she´s right behind you.
Dear Diary, i was very disappointed in my girlfriend today.
She was very dry when the oven finished coo... Read Full Chapter
i hum quietly rocking my 1 week old, kissing her forehead.
The doctors were wrong, i knew she´ll take her first breath soon.
A walk in the woods helps me relax and release tension.
The fact that i´m dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant.
Some say she was hanged,others say she was shot, and many more said she bled to death.
All i know is that she´s right behind you.
Dear Diary, i was very disappointed in my girlfriend today.
She was very dry when the oven finished coo... Read Full Chapter
on October 23, 2020

AishiAyano added a new chapter to Two Sentence Horror Stories
Stories 31-35
It´s shocking knowing people leave at least one of their open at night.
No, no don´t get up.
As i watched from the space shuttle, the Earth began to erupt from the inside out.
Everything..was going exactly how i planned it.
Do you ever feel like your being watched?
Because if its bothering you so much i can stop..for a little while.
I might be the worlds greatest serial killer..
and the best part? Telling their families we did everything we could.
People were always asking... Read Full Chapter
It´s shocking knowing people leave at least one of their open at night.
No, no don´t get up.
As i watched from the space shuttle, the Earth began to erupt from the inside out.
Everything..was going exactly how i planned it.
Do you ever feel like your being watched?
Because if its bothering you so much i can stop..for a little while.
I might be the worlds greatest serial killer..
and the best part? Telling their families we did everything we could.
People were always asking... Read Full Chapter
on October 23, 2020

AishiAyano added a new chapter to Your Deepest Fears~

Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching.
I feel Sorry for those with this phobia- Um..lets just get to it Hmm?
I felt a slight itch on my arm. I frantically looked for the bug or insect that may have caused it. A sigh of relief left my body when i saw no insect or bug. I went to the bathroom and got the anti-itch cream and put on my arm. After about an hour, i felt the itch again, it was a little worse than the last. I grabbed the anti-itch cream and rub it all over my arm, the itch got worse and worse by the second, soon enough... Read Full Chapter
I felt a slight itch on my arm. I frantically looked for the bug or insect that may have caused it. A sigh of relief left my body when i saw no insect or bug. I went to the bathroom and got the anti-itch cream and put on my arm. After about an hour, i felt the itch again, it was a little worse than the last. I grabbed the anti-itch cream and rub it all over my arm, the itch got worse and worse by the second, soon enough... Read Full Chapter
on October 20, 2020

AishiAyano asked a question
Who do you think is best girl from MHA? Toga is best girl
on October 21, 2020

AishiAyano asked a question
Who do you think is best boy from MHA? Mineta is best boi. IM NOT A PERV!!
on October 20, 2020

AishiAyano added a new chapter to Your Deepest Fears~

Pediophobia: The fear of dolls
*hides under sheets* Um..im not scared..*yeets doll* Okay Lets Start-
It was a normal day in my life. Just watching my sweet little girls play around. My parents always lecture me on how there girls and i should give them dolls, but i wouldn´t dare. After that incident where i almost died from chocking on doll hair, i never looked at dolls the same again, i wouldn´t want my girls to go through the same thing i did. After about 2 hours i finally put those little brats to sleep,i don´t hate th... Read Full Chapter
It was a normal day in my life. Just watching my sweet little girls play around. My parents always lecture me on how there girls and i should give them dolls, but i wouldn´t dare. After that incident where i almost died from chocking on doll hair, i never looked at dolls the same again, i wouldn´t want my girls to go through the same thing i did. After about 2 hours i finally put those little brats to sleep,i don´t hate th... Read Full Chapter
on October 20, 2020