The thoughts that r in my head (poem)

A outcast reject, a disgrace
I am all those but there is a side of me u don't know
Wht do i mean by this u may be wondering
U guys all know my as the one who no one likes i lost my home, my family, everything
then I am hated for being me sure i can sing sure i can sweet but i have many haters
the wars i have been in on here the names i have been called
The self harm the things i used to do
U consider me ur friends well some of but am I
Or am just someone u act like u care about just so u can stab me in the back?
Am just a target do I have people who care about or am just nothing?
Y was I given this life?
So people can bully me or is it something else?
Do u guys like to watch me suffer?
Do u really wish me dead?
Only u can tell me do u care about me enough to risk ur life for me?
Would u care if i died?
Would u laugh at me?
How many times have u watched me suffer?
Is it funny to watch or do u just like watching me in a lot of pain?
Am i just a reminder that we all dont matter to most people?
Am just worthless?
Y do i try to act happy when I'M not?
Y do i care anymore?
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