Hi :3

on July 07, 2015

-3- mmhmm
on July 07, 2015

on July 07, 2015

on July 07, 2015

Nadia go plz. @TheSayakaMiki
on July 07, 2015
on July 07, 2015

Aha! The (approximate) total of my AoT cosplay is $60!
This'll be cheap. ^.^
This'll be cheap. ^.^
on July 07, 2015

I want to cosplay as a soldier from the recon corps but with a rainbow wig.
on July 07, 2015

SnK cosplaying must be Hell.
on July 07, 2015

on July 07, 2015

wait so we have kids now.
on July 07, 2015

Why are they =)=)=) C A L L ED ' bad words' W H E N they are really =)=)=) just W O R D S? =)=)=) Y A Y
on July 07, 2015

I am going =)=)=) to T Y P E like =)=)=) this because I E N J O Y it. =)=)=)
on July 07, 2015

If you have the last name 'Jaeger', I am going to scream "Jagerbombastic" and I won't be sorry.
on July 07, 2015

Well, it is T I M E =)=)=) to say G O O D N I G H T. =)=)=) Y A Y
Goodnight little =)=)=) shits. =)=)=) Y A Y
Goodnight little =)=)=) shits. =)=)=) Y A Y
on July 07, 2015

I should change my B I O , this W A L L =(=(=( is N O T too =(=(=( H A P P Y.
on July 07, 2015

It really is canon.
Ereri is canon.
I fuckiing give up on this fandom.
Shoot me.
It really is canon.
Ereri is canon.
I fuckiing give up on this fandom.
Shoot me.
on July 07, 2015

15 minutes, into Boku no Pico (censored version) and I feel like I need to go to church.
on July 07, 2015