ARTPOP's Polls
ARTPOP published 22 polls

How Long Have You Been On This Website?

Do you LOVE fall?
Should I write a story? If so, about what? (put in comments)
School is almost OVER! What grade are you going to be in?

What Next?
I'm Back! Did you miss me?

Who is the best out of the 7?

Are you against bullying?

What do you like about me?

What instrument family do you play?
Do you know what privy means? DO NOT GOOGLE IT

Favorite Olympian?

My Friend and I are going to be Apollo and Artemis for Halloween. Good Idea?
Which food is best?

Opinion on Cabin 7?

Are you going to be a book character or OC for Halloween?

Qfeaster Tournament! Round 1
Do you like cheesburgers or regular hamburgers?

Did you cry when Augustus Waters died?