basically i had a dream chiba went to this abandoned mall with me but it just dropped me off and i was like fucck you then i saw mary and garry inside and they wouldnt talk to me then all of a sudden i was at my great grandparents and i was walking outside and this man kept following me so i went random directions and he was following me and i couldnt run for some reason so i went inside and the old ass man followed me up the steps and i was like the hell then my grandparents See More were ljke omg come in bestie and i was ljke wtf why did this pedo follow me and he was like i was messing with you and i was like fucck off man then i went on qfeast and chris kept posting abt random shit and i was like the hell you doing this for and leiden (an irl person me and chiba know btw) joined and brea gave him a long introduction and like a step by step guide to qfeast and she sounded like a bot. anyways my grandma said we were having a party and a shit ton of ppl are coming and i was like k ill just stay in the bathroom the whole time and her house morphed into a modern house and i saw a big screen tv room so i sat in there with someone who looked just like Ines from Mad Father but she had chiba colored hair (half pink) and i ignored it got on qfeast and chris was like “rp anyone” and made a page and fuccking ss_corpseparty commented and i was like why thhe fucck. are you here anyways they did a face reveal and changed their pic to a mayu x morishige picture and they looked 7 and i was like K you are 7 i dont fuccking care abt u anymore then they sent a group of 7 year olds after me and the real Yuka Mochida came on and i was like k dont care abt any of you then hyun messaged me and said shes leaving qfeast bc of her mom and she said she would give me her number and instagram and i was like i dont have instagram and cant give my number out (didnt say this btw just said it to myself) and she never even dropped a number or instagram so Yea. then ines chiba crossbreed grinned at me and i was like k and these fucckboys came in and one was craig mixed with quackity so i jsut left
on May 18, 2021

i say fart atleast 30 times a day like i say it so much for literally no reason like i could be sitting there doing nothing and be like Fart lol like why
on May 18, 2021

on May 17, 2021

i love seiko so Much i can’t even explain how much i love her into words. when i See her my mind just overloads with a bunch of happy feelings i just dont know how to explainn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’m
on May 17, 2021

on May 17, 2021

i hope i get better today or tomorrow because i need to get my yearbook and graduation and go six flags also why does sickness choose to come during a very important week. fml hope its not anything bad my body just hurts and my nose stuff and runny
on May 17, 2021

last night i had a dream that i was playing corpse party but only naomi was in it and i was like where is seiko because after seiko dies it switches to yoshiki and ayumi so i was like why is she not there. anyways there were random fucckers running around my backyard then i went to school and we were at my elementary school and we had to sit and throw balls then i went home and messaged chiba on discord and it kept sending me pics of totinos pizza then deleted it over and over See More and i was like what is this and it said it was an inside joke between it and its partner and i was like. okay idc can we talk abt our jokes instead because i dont get this pizza thing and it said “after 9 years of best friendship...... this is how you pay me!!!” and i was like the hell
on May 17, 2021

anyways in my dream i was in class and i drew my friend and she liked it so i tried to give it to her and she got scared and was like No no no and i was like wait wha? then i asked my teacher to go to the bathroom and he ignored me but responded to everyone else so i was like fucck you then mf and then i went to next class and the teacher told me to leave so i did then another kid left and the teacher thought it was me and she said where r U going and i was like stfu. anyways See More this girl was walking and another girl said theres poop on your pants so i walked behind her so ppl wouldnt know she had poo pants then i had to sit in a urinal and i went to class and i was watching videos on the computer and i had a pic of damien and my teacher was like who is that and it took me 2 minutes to say damien idek why anyways i saw leiden on a tiktok and he was cosplaying rust

leiden was in my dream too cause in math i went to get a calculator and the one slot said “leiden was here”
on May 16, 2021
on May 16, 2021

if you are one of those Rpg maker mfs from 2013-2016 sorry for starring your old shit i guess im Just late to rpg maker games
on May 16, 2021