http://salmonofcapistrano.com/ <--------- This is what happens when you are a fisherman that's on drugs.

http://secretsfornicotine.com/ And this is what happens when you have no trade and you're on drugs.
on March 28, 2016
on March 28, 2016


on March 28, 2016
on March 28, 2016

Does anyone want to Black Butler RP with me-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e? I'm dyin-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g
on March 28, 2016

Name: Thorn Acker
Age: Unknown
Personality: Nice, Intelligent, Goofy
Looks: Will post pic
Likes: Animals, His two sisters, Kyuko
Dislikes: Sebastian, Ciel
Backstory (optional): Nah See More
Other: Thorn is the big brother of Camellia and Blossom. He's an angel, yet he is trusted by the demons. Thorn is different from the other angels, as he doesn't want to burn everything and make everything pure. He is usually asked by Kyuko to help them when a tricky situation comes up.
Name: Blossom Acker
Age: Unknown, But appears as a 10 year old girl.
Personality: Shy, Caring, Sensitive, Intelligent
Looks: Will post pic
Likes: Animals, Flowers, Her siblings
Dislikes: Ciel, Grell, Anyone or anything that she is afraid of or bothers her.
Backstory (optional): Nah
Other: Blossom is also an angel. She is the youngest of the three siblings. She is never bored and very talkative once she can trust you. She is also trusted by the demons.
Name: Camellia Acker
Age: Unknown
Personality: Intelligent, Badass, Flirtatious
Looks: Will post pic
Likes: Her siblings, Flowers, Boys (IDEK)
Dislikes: Grell, Will, Lots of other peoplez
Backstory (optional): Nah
Other: Camellia is the middle child of the three siblings. She is rather attractive and is pretty close to Kyuko and her little sister. Most of the time, she acts cold towards her brother, but she loves him with all her heart. She is also trusted by the demons.
Age: Unknown
Personality: Nice, Intelligent, Goofy
Looks: Will post pic
Likes: Animals, His two sisters, Kyuko
Dislikes: Sebastian, Ciel
Backstory (optional): Nah See More
Other: Thorn is the big brother of Camellia and Blossom. He's an angel, yet he is trusted by the demons. Thorn is different from the other angels, as he doesn't want to burn everything and make everything pure. He is usually asked by Kyuko to help them when a tricky situation comes up.
Name: Blossom Acker
Age: Unknown, But appears as a 10 year old girl.
Personality: Shy, Caring, Sensitive, Intelligent
Looks: Will post pic
Likes: Animals, Flowers, Her siblings
Dislikes: Ciel, Grell, Anyone or anything that she is afraid of or bothers her.
Backstory (optional): Nah
Other: Blossom is also an angel. She is the youngest of the three siblings. She is never bored and very talkative once she can trust you. She is also trusted by the demons.
Name: Camellia Acker
Age: Unknown
Personality: Intelligent, Badass, Flirtatious
Looks: Will post pic
Likes: Her siblings, Flowers, Boys (IDEK)
Dislikes: Grell, Will, Lots of other peoplez
Backstory (optional): Nah
Other: Camellia is the middle child of the three siblings. She is rather attractive and is pretty close to Kyuko and her little sister. Most of the time, she acts cold towards her brother, but she loves him with all her heart. She is also trusted by the demons.
on March 28, 2016