vive_la_revolution's Photo: 201 / 234
Stare at those dots in the center for 30-40 sec. Then look at a solid, black surface and blink.
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Comments (8)

Mona Lisa...?

No. Jesus! :D
on June 03, 2015
on June 03, 2015

Oh my gosh this brings back memories. Everyone at my school was obsessed with this xD

It's awesome, isn't it?

I'm pretty sure that staring at that one place in the middle for so long imprints the white pattern into your eyes temporarily or something - like how light can make patterns on your eyes. So when you blink, you see it.
on May 25, 2015

on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015
on May 25, 2015