vive_la_revolution - Page 202
Taylor ♦ 17 ♦ They/Them
♠ask for me tomorrow
and you shall find me a grave man♠ See More
If you need help~
http://self-care-club.tumblr.com/tagged/resources (a lot of resources for various mental problems)
http://www.thetrevorproject.org (hotline and support for LGBTQ youth)
http://philome.la/jace_harr/you-feel-like-shit-an-interactive-self-care-guide/play (if you need to take care of yourself but don't know where to start)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pacificalabs.pacifica&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dpacifica+app&pcampaignid=APPU_1_JxAlWerOOsXPjwSb37TgBA (app designed for those struggling with depressive/anxiety disorders, based on cbt therapy)
http://www.pleaselive.org/hotlines/ (a compilation of hotlines you can reach out to for nearly anything)
http://www.loveisrespect.org (if you or a friend are dealing with/think you're dealing with an abusive relationship)
http://sioutreach.org (if you struggle with self harm)
https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/resource-links (a compilation of resources for those struggling with eating disorders)
http://www.bullybust.org/resources (some resources for those being bullied)
https://www.1800runaway.org/2016/09/i-hate-myself-teens-can-improve-self-esteem/ (resources for dealing with self hatred)
Seriously just message me if you ever need anything. I won't be online all the time, but as soon as I see your message I will do my absolute best to help you.
all i really wanna do anymore is read shakespeare and graduate high school and maybe become a witch. also guess what, i've actually been a hufflepuff this entire time
♠ask for me tomorrow
and you shall find me a grave man♠ See More
If you need help~
http://self-care-club.tumblr.com/tagged/resources (a lot of resources for various mental problems)
http://www.thetrevorproject.org (hotline and support for LGBTQ youth)
http://philome.la/jace_harr/you-feel-like-shit-an-interactive-self-care-guide/play (if you need to take care of yourself but don't know where to start)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pacificalabs.pacifica&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dpacifica+app&pcampaignid=APPU_1_JxAlWerOOsXPjwSb37TgBA (app designed for those struggling with depressive/anxiety disorders, based on cbt therapy)
http://www.pleaselive.org/hotlines/ (a compilation of hotlines you can reach out to for nearly anything)
http://www.loveisrespect.org (if you or a friend are dealing with/think you're dealing with an abusive relationship)
http://sioutreach.org (if you struggle with self harm)
https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/resource-links (a compilation of resources for those struggling with eating disorders)
http://www.bullybust.org/resources (some resources for those being bullied)
https://www.1800runaway.org/2016/09/i-hate-myself-teens-can-improve-self-esteem/ (resources for dealing with self hatred)
Seriously just message me if you ever need anything. I won't be online all the time, but as soon as I see your message I will do my absolute best to help you.
all i really wanna do anymore is read shakespeare and graduate high school and maybe become a witch. also guess what, i've actually been a hufflepuff this entire time