Oh my freaking gosh
Epic life hack
If you wear glasses, try this --
To see without glasses, just take them off, close one eye, and make a small circle with one hand. Look through that with one eye like a telescope. I can literally see better without glasses than with them when I do this... SERIOUSLY IT IS AMAZING
Epic life hack
If you wear glasses, try this --
To see without glasses, just take them off, close one eye, and make a small circle with one hand. Look through that with one eye like a telescope. I can literally see better without glasses than with them when I do this... SERIOUSLY IT IS AMAZING

I know that it works. I guess that there's just something very specific that it requires.
on November 07, 2015

Yeah IDK why but I tried it earlier and I was like WHOA HOW THE HECK IS THIS EVEN WORKING
Tried it again just now and seriously there was no difference
I don't exactly know what the trick is, but I am determined to find out.
Tried it again just now and seriously there was no difference
I don't exactly know what the trick is, but I am determined to find out.
on November 07, 2015
on November 07, 2015

I hate when my notifications aren't working right and I have to reload the page to even see if there are any...
on November 07, 2015

the first thing i'm gonna do when i turn 18 is call you up to meet irl
on November 07, 2015

I HATE my stupid phone
...because it won't let me listen to music and get on the internet at the same time. OMG it is so annoying!!!
...because it won't let me listen to music and get on the internet at the same time. OMG it is so annoying!!!

on November 07, 2015
on November 07, 2015

go to ywp.nanowrimo.com and sign up. It's to write a novel in the full and only the month of November. Im doing it, and I thought you'd like it. Also if you want to friend me on there im WritingAmerica

on November 15, 2015
on November 07, 2015

At lunch:
Mom: I don't even care anymore just find something to eat if you don't want lunch you can not eat if that's what you want I am not your personal chef
Grandma: Here, have this. And this. Do you want it with or without cheese? You can have my thanksgiving turkey if you want. Or I can make spaghetti. Meatballs? How about a grilled cheese and a can of pears?
Mom: I don't even care anymore just find something to eat if you don't want lunch you can not eat if that's what you want I am not your personal chef
Grandma: Here, have this. And this. Do you want it with or without cheese? You can have my thanksgiving turkey if you want. Or I can make spaghetti. Meatballs? How about a grilled cheese and a can of pears?
on November 06, 2015