"Why do white people want to be oppressed?"
Where did this idea that whites want to be oppressed even come from? Honestly.
If you dislike debates or arguing or disagreements, ignore me for the rest of the night. I am in a fighting/philosophical mood right now.
Where did this idea that whites want to be oppressed even come from? Honestly.
If you dislike debates or arguing or disagreements, ignore me for the rest of the night. I am in a fighting/philosophical mood right now.

@Puppylover101 *typo *racist
on February 03, 2016

on February 03, 2016

@Puppylover101 Um, what's rastist?
on February 02, 2016

What's Rastist?
on February 02, 2016

@Rebel_Fangirl that's so rastist
on February 02, 2016
on February 02, 2016

Why is it that human beings hate being judged so much? I mean... Honestly, why? Whenever something offends us or whenever someone judges us or calls us out, we freak. Why is that?

on February 02, 2016

@Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector Probably call them out. But why? Why do humans instinctively want to call others out when they judge you? Why are we so quick to defend ourselves?
on February 02, 2016
on February 02, 2016

Can someone please explain to me who Trump is and why everyone seems to hate him? All I know is that he's running for president and he's (allegedly) rude.

@MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess I'm not going to say anything like that. I won't break them just for the sake of breaking them, but... IDK. It still IS law. And thank God that he is just the president and doesn't have COMPLETE power, so yeah. I think that I'll live. Unless he brings on another Great Depression or something.
on February 05, 2016

@Rebel_Fangirl I'm so glad that you agree. The sad thing is, a lot of people actually think that he would be a good president. I'm seriously getting nervous. What if he actually... wins??? A post on Tumblr I saw recently perfectly describes my thoughts and feelings about it: "I really hope Donald Trump doesn't win the election because I can't afford to move out See More of the country right now." If Trump wins, I feel like I might die. He is a heartless person who had very bad ethics. If he wins the election and proceeds to make terrible, stupid, and illogical laws, I seriously think I might try to break them.
on February 04, 2016

@Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector I know that she is. This is why I suddenly feel like punching someone/throwing up.
on February 04, 2016
on February 02, 2016

We all wear them. We all present different versions of ourselves to different people. Sometimes the mask is only slightly different from our real self, and sometimes the mask is an entirely different person. But.... Why do we wear them? Is it because we want to be liked? Is it because we have something to hide? Why are we hiding our true selves? Why do human beings feel this urgent need to pretend to be someone that they're not?
We all wear them. We all present different versions of ourselves to different people. Sometimes the mask is only slightly different from our real self, and sometimes the mask is an entirely different person. But.... Why do we wear them? Is it because we want to be liked? Is it because we have something to hide? Why are we hiding our true selves? Why do human beings feel this urgent need to pretend to be someone that they're not?
on February 02, 2016

I always wondered the same thing... People just want to be liked and popular so they pretend to be people that there not
on February 02, 2016

Being one who wears a mask conpleteley opposite of who I am-
I don't try to. After loosing many friends, my personality changed. Others forced it on me- I'm a victim of bullying. It's just a thing, honestly. It can be we fear to me casted away, or just were scared of hurting others. It depends who you ask.
I don't try to. After loosing many friends, my personality changed. Others forced it on me- I'm a victim of bullying. It's just a thing, honestly. It can be we fear to me casted away, or just were scared of hurting others. It depends who you ask.
on February 02, 2016

@Princesscrystalkat XD Yeah, but I'm being deep and talking about pretend masks. Like... Pretending to be someone that you're not. Hiding your true features for the sake of looking a certain way.
on February 02, 2016
on February 02, 2016

I GTG now, though! Seeya peeps later!
on February 01, 2016

OK, so...
I'm staying.
Holy crap, that was hard to say.
I'm staying.
I need to. I can't leave you guys. I can't just give up on this. Even if my dad doesn't completely approve of Qfeast, it's because he really doesn't know much about it.
Don't be surprised if I'm on less often, though. My dad still has it out for Qfeast.
But I'm staying. See More
*throws confetti*
I'm staying.
Holy crap, that was hard to say.
I'm staying.
I need to. I can't leave you guys. I can't just give up on this. Even if my dad doesn't completely approve of Qfeast, it's because he really doesn't know much about it.
Don't be surprised if I'm on less often, though. My dad still has it out for Qfeast.
But I'm staying. See More
*throws confetti*

XD Well, if you ever feel like q feast is too much stress for you, you can always take a break. I took a break (but for a different reason). But I am still glad that your staying!
XD Well, if you ever feel like q feast is too much stress for you, you can always take a break. I took a break (but for a different reason). But I am still glad that your staying!
on February 01, 2016

@ThePandaGirl147 ^_^
@Alpha27 :D Love you too!!
@Kanya888 XD :D
@Batman22Owl XD :D:D:D Love you too!!
@Alpha27 :D Love you too!!
@Kanya888 XD :D
@Batman22Owl XD :D:D:D Love you too!!
on February 01, 2016

on February 01, 2016
on February 01, 2016

Dude. Why did you star that photo?
on February 01, 2016

Reasons I would leave:
1. My dad.
2. I am so freaking stressed and I have WAY too much going on.
3. My mom.
4. My IRL friends...
5. My parents in general.
6. Just because they are the main reason, I'm going to go ahead and list my parents again. See More
Reasons I might stay:
1. I love Qfeast, even though I'm addicted and all of this stupid drama recently has really been ticking me off. And stressing me out.
2. @Batman22Owl
3. @Alpha27
4. @Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector
5. @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
6. @Parabolic
7. @Kanya888
8. @PiperMcLean4
9. Basically my BFFs in general. The ones listed above were in no particular order.
10. When there's no drama, Qfeast actually helps me de-stress and chill for awhile.
11. I love writing on here and getting feedback from you guys.
12. Again... You guys are my best friends in the universe.
1. My dad.
2. I am so freaking stressed and I have WAY too much going on.
3. My mom.
4. My IRL friends...
5. My parents in general.
6. Just because they are the main reason, I'm going to go ahead and list my parents again. See More
Reasons I might stay:
1. I love Qfeast, even though I'm addicted and all of this stupid drama recently has really been ticking me off. And stressing me out.
2. @Batman22Owl
3. @Alpha27
4. @Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector
5. @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
6. @Parabolic
7. @Kanya888
8. @PiperMcLean4
9. Basically my BFFs in general. The ones listed above were in no particular order.
10. When there's no drama, Qfeast actually helps me de-stress and chill for awhile.
11. I love writing on here and getting feedback from you guys.
12. Again... You guys are my best friends in the universe.

I don't know what I'd do if you left, I have like two people on this site I actually trust comepletely and if you go half of them will have left. You're a great person and if you leave qfeast will have suffered a terrible loss.
on February 01, 2016

on February 01, 2016

Because your so helpful and curious about everything. Your a great friend, and an amazing author. No-- correction. AWESOMAZING author. If everyone on qfeast was EXACTLY like you, I would be the luckiest person on earth.
on February 01, 2016
on February 01, 2016

I just had to post those.

Please, I know you can't check PM's but please quickly check for me? It's from me... :(
on February 01, 2016
on February 01, 2016

Is Rey Darth Vader's Sister?
D-Cast Version: http://bit.ly/1SmYQKy Link to D-Cast: http://www.thedcast.com Hey Super Carlin Friends! ►► http://bit.ly/196DDlu T-SHIRTS ►► http://bit.ly/1C...
on February 01, 2016

Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless
I-N-T-P...E-N-F-J...B-U-L-L...S-H-I-T Read more on the history and controversy surrounding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test here: http://www.vox.com/2014...
on February 01, 2016

Because I can't sleep...
Let me explain.
Recently, I have been feeling a LOT of pressure. I have to choose what school I'm going to go to. I have to start figuring out what I might do as a future profession, and everyone in my family keeps loading me down with extra work since I can't be "just" a writer. So, on top of regular school and my own personal projects (of which I have many that are extremely important to me), I'm taking on extra classes like computer programming. And See More then there's my acting class, which I blatantly refuse to give up on. Then I have martial arts, which is ridiculously hard for me to do and impossible for me to find time to practice. Then, of course, there are friends. The ones IRL who I've been mending or making relationships with. The ones on here. Then there's my reading. I just CAN'T fall behind on my reading list. It is super important to me. And then I have Qfeast, constantly distracting me and stopping me from getting done what needs to be done. My grades are dropping. I'm sleeping less. I think that I might just drop dead from all of this stress. And every single teacher of every single class is hard on me. And I'm even harder on myself. I just can't handle all of this. I am THIS close to having a total breakdown.
I need to stop before I totally freak out.
I don't know whether I'm staying or going. And I refuse to lean or hint either way right now. But just know that I care about all of you guys.
Now I'm going to force myself to sleep. Night.
Let me explain.
Recently, I have been feeling a LOT of pressure. I have to choose what school I'm going to go to. I have to start figuring out what I might do as a future profession, and everyone in my family keeps loading me down with extra work since I can't be "just" a writer. So, on top of regular school and my own personal projects (of which I have many that are extremely important to me), I'm taking on extra classes like computer programming. And See More then there's my acting class, which I blatantly refuse to give up on. Then I have martial arts, which is ridiculously hard for me to do and impossible for me to find time to practice. Then, of course, there are friends. The ones IRL who I've been mending or making relationships with. The ones on here. Then there's my reading. I just CAN'T fall behind on my reading list. It is super important to me. And then I have Qfeast, constantly distracting me and stopping me from getting done what needs to be done. My grades are dropping. I'm sleeping less. I think that I might just drop dead from all of this stress. And every single teacher of every single class is hard on me. And I'm even harder on myself. I just can't handle all of this. I am THIS close to having a total breakdown.
I need to stop before I totally freak out.
I don't know whether I'm staying or going. And I refuse to lean or hint either way right now. But just know that I care about all of you guys.
Now I'm going to force myself to sleep. Night.

on February 01, 2016

Am I the only one who would scream "THERE IS A REASON FOR ENGLISH- DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO BE A FAMOUS WRITER!?" At them...?
Am I the only one who would scream "THERE IS A REASON FOR ENGLISH- DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO BE A FAMOUS WRITER!?" At them...?
on February 01, 2016

@Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran *hugs back* Yeah, me too.
@Wolfbourne Yeah... I want to stay, I just don't know if I can.
@MagentaHusky *hugs* Yeah.
@PiperMcLean4 It's fine.
@Wolfbourne Yeah... I want to stay, I just don't know if I can.
@MagentaHusky *hugs* Yeah.
@PiperMcLean4 It's fine.
on February 01, 2016

I understand what stress your in, and you don't have to stay here if you don't want to. No body is forcing you to stay. I hope everything gets better... I feel bad because there is nothing I can do to help
on February 01, 2016
on February 01, 2016