Im more shocked than after the red wedding ngl

and its not even that big of a deal??? its not like anything particularly major happened its literally just one shitty reveal but i CANT
on May 22, 2016
on May 22, 2016

// game of thrones s6ep5 leak spoilers below. kinda major stuff happened so yeah, spoilers.
__ See More
Okay, so this is probably all going to be in the wrong order. I'm just gonna type as I remember stuff. Ok so Sansa and Littlefinger. That was a bit uncomfortable to watch, but hey it was not as uncomfortable as Sansa's rape scene. He deserved that awkward uncomfortable conversation for leaving her with him. Littlefinger's a cool character but damn, what a dick. The Greyjoys now!! I don't remember Euron much from the books to be honest; I found AFFC pretty boring and didn't pay a lot of attention. But what the hell? Shut up oh my god. I was really happy for Yara (when she said her name I screamed out ASHA) because okay, maybe the Ironborn will be progressive and have a woman leader? And then Theon said /his/ name and I was so proud of my son!!! And then freaking Euron Greyjoy shows up and makes fun of him and it's just like,,, piss off mate? You know nothing?? Tbh though, I still can't help but speak along with the "What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger" because it's so cool in a really crappy kind of way. Idk really what's going on with Jon and everyone at the Wall but he's pretty and Sansa is pretty and yeah. DAARIO JORAH AND DAENERYS. I actually found myself getting really emotional at that scene. I cried a bit. I don't like Daenerys so my only thought in the beginning was hey, at least Daario's there because he's hot. And I'm not a massive fan of Jorah and I certainly don't ship him with Daenerys but I didn't find that a really touching scene. I can't remember anything else that was worth mentioning from that episode except that Varys scene was pretty uncomfortable too, so I'm gonna go onto Bran.
What. What??? Why does the Night's King want Bran? I get he has cool seeing powers but um. I was actually finding it hard to breathe when he went out in that vision and everything was frozen because I was so worried. And then the Night's King touches him and everything falls to shit like omg I was so scared. And then they start attacking and I thought Meera was gonna die and that would be sad because I love her she's so great and pretty and awesome. I knew something was gonna happen during that flashback and stuff and oh my god. HODOR. "HOLD THE DOOR" FINALLY A KIND OF REVEAL. I know that if I think more about this it's gonna sound really stupid and the obsessive book fans will complain or something but I'm actually really intrigued. Confused, mainly. Hodor suddenly noticed Bran and then time paradox stuff? What? I don't understand but god I'm so excited and scared and confused and I'm starting to fall in love with certain parts of this show again. It's shitty, sure, but goddamn I love plot twists and shitty reveals and pretty characters.
My opinion? Best episode of the season so far. Didn't think anything could top episode 2, but I wasn't bored at ALL in this episode which is rare for one including both Dany and Tyrion but wow I loved that episode.
__ See More
Okay, so this is probably all going to be in the wrong order. I'm just gonna type as I remember stuff. Ok so Sansa and Littlefinger. That was a bit uncomfortable to watch, but hey it was not as uncomfortable as Sansa's rape scene. He deserved that awkward uncomfortable conversation for leaving her with him. Littlefinger's a cool character but damn, what a dick. The Greyjoys now!! I don't remember Euron much from the books to be honest; I found AFFC pretty boring and didn't pay a lot of attention. But what the hell? Shut up oh my god. I was really happy for Yara (when she said her name I screamed out ASHA) because okay, maybe the Ironborn will be progressive and have a woman leader? And then Theon said /his/ name and I was so proud of my son!!! And then freaking Euron Greyjoy shows up and makes fun of him and it's just like,,, piss off mate? You know nothing?? Tbh though, I still can't help but speak along with the "What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger" because it's so cool in a really crappy kind of way. Idk really what's going on with Jon and everyone at the Wall but he's pretty and Sansa is pretty and yeah. DAARIO JORAH AND DAENERYS. I actually found myself getting really emotional at that scene. I cried a bit. I don't like Daenerys so my only thought in the beginning was hey, at least Daario's there because he's hot. And I'm not a massive fan of Jorah and I certainly don't ship him with Daenerys but I didn't find that a really touching scene. I can't remember anything else that was worth mentioning from that episode except that Varys scene was pretty uncomfortable too, so I'm gonna go onto Bran.
What. What??? Why does the Night's King want Bran? I get he has cool seeing powers but um. I was actually finding it hard to breathe when he went out in that vision and everything was frozen because I was so worried. And then the Night's King touches him and everything falls to shit like omg I was so scared. And then they start attacking and I thought Meera was gonna die and that would be sad because I love her she's so great and pretty and awesome. I knew something was gonna happen during that flashback and stuff and oh my god. HODOR. "HOLD THE DOOR" FINALLY A KIND OF REVEAL. I know that if I think more about this it's gonna sound really stupid and the obsessive book fans will complain or something but I'm actually really intrigued. Confused, mainly. Hodor suddenly noticed Bran and then time paradox stuff? What? I don't understand but god I'm so excited and scared and confused and I'm starting to fall in love with certain parts of this show again. It's shitty, sure, but goddamn I love plot twists and shitty reveals and pretty characters.
My opinion? Best episode of the season so far. Didn't think anything could top episode 2, but I wasn't bored at ALL in this episode which is rare for one including both Dany and Tyrion but wow I loved that episode.
on May 22, 2016

on May 22, 2016

should i watch the game of thrones ep 5 leak??? or should i be a good person and wait to illegally stream it live later
ahahaha im a terrible person either way
ahahaha im a terrible person either way
on May 22, 2016

I feel like watching disturbing documentaries but im worried i might regret this later
on May 22, 2016

on May 21, 2016

its so pathetic how in love i am with jon snow
on May 21, 2016

Some time this summer I'm gonna reread Homestuck
It's gonna be such a nightmare i can't wait tbh
It's gonna be such a nightmare i can't wait tbh
on May 21, 2016

so osha/ramsay is a thing?? wtf ew
on May 16, 2016

loras u ok ??? D :
on May 16, 2016

just me who thinks andy biersack (whatever his name is) isnt that attractive? or not at all attractive? ok
on May 15, 2016


ooh okay thanks. i was planning on catching up today anyway. fingers crossed that masaki becomes less annoying.
on May 15, 2016

@Joieeful so far i don't find her likable, hopefully later on...? mitsumune had a backstory in the last episode (ep 7) which does explain why he's said some kinda dumb things but hey no spoilers
on May 15, 2016

I'm just waiting for her to be useful, and possibly even likable.
actually i think mitsumune needs to do something too like backstory pls..
(unless that's already been revealed and I'm not caught up)
actually i think mitsumune needs to do something too like backstory pls..
(unless that's already been revealed and I'm not caught up)
on May 15, 2016

i don't get why mitsumune is so obsessed with her, all like 'Masaki-san?!' every time he sees her and she's all like 'soorrryyy' and runs away crying...
on May 15, 2016
on May 15, 2016

I really love Jon Snow !!! I really really love Jon Snow !!!! Im so happy he's alive!! Hes so pretty!!! I love him so much!!!!
on May 12, 2016

Omg so the Haikyuu second OVA is the best thing ever omgomgomgog
I was typing really quickly and Akaashi autocorrected to Kaka's and Bokuto to Botulism ahahaha
i need to watch game of thrones but THAT WAS SO CUTE TANAKA WAS SO CUTE THEY ALL WERE
I was typing really quickly and Akaashi autocorrected to Kaka's and Bokuto to Botulism ahahaha
i need to watch game of thrones but THAT WAS SO CUTE TANAKA WAS SO CUTE THEY ALL WERE
on May 09, 2016

Ok I've only seen one Got spoiler so far
I can watch it in a couple of hours yay
I can watch it in a couple of hours yay
on May 09, 2016

thekinginthenorth asked a question
Anime Recommendations? Okkk I need animes to watch. I like sports animes. As long as th...
on May 08, 2016

I had an 1000 word essay due in last Tuesday and I did it entirely in half an hour just now i'm such a procrastinator i hate myself eheheheh
on May 08, 2016